User:Luisa Moura/prototyping/python in theory only
BIT-APP is a counter showing you live, on the top right side of your screen, how much money you are generating while using facebook, twitter and linked-in. The intensity and nature of your engagement increases the value of your contribution by the second. The algorithimic calculation handles in detail the several functions you use, the data you upload or provide and the stock market rate of the companies involved, both social networks and the companies acquiring data for commercial purposes. The value displayed is a taylored percentage of the general gain, referring to an individual contribution only: yours.
and now the utopia:
What if you could actually earn the money you are generating? The money you earn is on bitcoins and you can either store it on a long term web savings account or reinvest it. You can also convert it to regular money and withdraw it, but you would loose a great percentage of value by doing so. The bitcoins are meant to cover all your expenses online, putting away any need for credit cards, paypal or other current system of online payment. The long term savings account provides you with enough money for your pension if you build it up for a minimum of 40 years, using social networks for at least two hours a day.