Build, Break, Broadcast

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Week 1

Thursday 07.10.2010

This space will be dedicated to the conceptual development of my thematic projects.

I d' rather use these pages as a form of sketchbook, sharing the process of thinking

from the very first stages to the final piece. In many cases this requires some

random writing and collection of found images which potentially will help me document

and shape the project.

So, starting from zero here are some rough ideas that could eventually shape the

core of the first or any of the following projects:

  • Feedback (as in Audio, Optical or Textual Feedback)
  • Memory - Location - Mapping.
  • Mathematical Errors - the use of false statistics by governmental bodies or activists

to alter or amplify the result of statistical data (is it a form of hacking?)

  • Broken Dialogues - Altering the speech - Linguistic games. Using Google translate as

a medium of broken language.

These are still very abstract ideas which may and up in the trash bin. But Hopefully

within the coming two weeks there will be more concrete points.

And some links of a couple of current shows (both in Belgium) that I find quite inspirational:

And the always inspiring Mathematical Errors website

Spamtypo.png Empirikos-tessa.jpg

Week 2

Sunday 17.10.2010

So. Things sometimes don't work as we wish. To put it that way: Major F*CK UPs happen. This space

is suposed to show creative thinking and the development of Build, Break, Broadcast project but instead

this week I will have to write about how computers break or die. Basically, I managed to kill my MacbookPro

last night. Which is pretty much the major tool and most expensive piece of equipment I own.

There are still chances that the poor machine will make it through. Doctors say there are still a 20% chances...

But instead of crying I d rather turn this mishap into something positive...Accidents are sometimes for good