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"If you had to give a name to the whole apparatus, what would you call it?" "Hmmm;' Waterhouse says." Well, its basic job is to perform mathematical calcu­ lations-like a computer." Comstock snorts, "A computer is a human being:'

Intermediation Textuality and the Regime of Computation new languages. The development of code by relatively small groups of technical specialists, and the tight integration of code into commercial product cycles and, consequently, into capitalist economics distinctive characteristic of technologically developed societies;language plus code.

three principal discourse systems of speech, writing, and digital computer code. (Saussaure, Derrida, and code various authors)

code as performative practice

Computation can take place in a variety of milieu and with almost any kind of material substrate Turing machine. The computational regime continues in the tradition of Turing's work, a process that starts with a parsimonious set of elements and a relatively small set of logical operations. Instantiated into some kind of platform, these compo­ nents can be structured so as to build up increasing levels of complexity. cellular automata.

computation does not merely simulate the behavior of complex systems; it is envisioned as the process that actually generates behavior in everything from biological organisms to human social systems. Computational as metaphor and means. feedback loops that connect culturally potent metaphors with social constructions of reality, resulting in formulations that imagi­natively invest computation with world-making power.//The Second Self and Life on the Screen, Sherry Turkle :such feedback loops can dra­ matically influence how people perceive themselves and others. Interactions kids with int. toys. young man, comments, "Reality is not my best window."//

second kind of feedback loop, Computational Universe is linked with an imagined future through which anticipa­ tion cycles to affect the present. the initiative to reorganize the U.S. military to pursue "network-centric warfare."(abandon a centralized command/control structure in favor of a highly mobile and flexible force, from platform-based strategies to "network-centric" structures in which units are seen not as independent actors but as "part of a continuously adapting ecosystem. (network-centric warfare marks a "fundamental shift" in military thinking) high-performance informa­ tion grid combined with interoperable sensor and engagement grids.self-synchronization

code (a synecdoche for information ░░░░░░░░░░)

Doyle , "'Uploading: the desire to be wetware, makes possible a new tech­ nology of the self, .... Uploading seems to install discursive, material, and social mechanism for the anticipation of an externalized self,affected by, addicted to, the future