Revision as of 11:53, 6 November 2013 by Δεριζαματζορπρομπλεμιναυστραλια (talk | contribs)
Reading list
KN Hayles How we became posthuman My mother was a computer +chapter in the cybercultures readre
Donna Harraway Cyborg Manifesto
M Foucault The history of sexuality 3 (work of the self on the self)
outline ................
we are encoded
harraway were looking much more, a play with identity, id is fluid
digital travestism?
postmodernism broke this cartesian idea of the world
cybernetikaly steve is ocmposed by various elements (dna cod from parenet, social codes frm society)
how can we reconfigure ?
technologies of the self
the crisis of the multiple self?
chapter building the digital enclosure apo to tade biblio