Graduate Catalog 2013
Title suggestions
A Round of Applause for Technology- Three Queers for Technology - Alan Turing, Bill Gates, Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter.
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Timo's questions
Please add your thoughts, but try to keep it short
Dennis Astrid agrees with Dennis :-)
The ideal catalog website should support:
- What is the content you think to show in the online catalog? (What do you want your audience to get from the catalog?
- Visual material for the project made over the year. An in-depth description. An artist statement and bio +link to portfolio website. And possibly the thesis for the extremely interested
- How does this differ from content you show in the exhibition?
- Maybe be able to show work-in-progress material as well?
- It gives more of an artist background. It could be cool to have a behind the scenes section for each individual. Showing excerpts of the process.
- Does your work also run online (in case of video / audio / code), and if so (and you'd want to show it) what are the requirements to run it online?
- It would be great if video could run on the website. Though I'm also quite fine with either a Youtube or Vimeo embedding.
- ASTRID thinks only show the actual work in the exhibition, video's of the process and a sort of tour through the exhibition would be nice but lets not make a 'virtual tour' let them come to the show itself!
- What about your thesis, and what other background information could you incorporate in the online catalog?
- Be able to upload files, like pdfs
- A pdf download would be great yes. Otherwise you'd have to redesign the thesis for a webformat.
- ASTRID Nice to have a print-version maybe but not mandatory, since it depends on the project/thesis itself.
- How do you think a online catalog can benefit from its medium? (for instance: always changeable, could grow, can have comments, linking to external content, non-linear navigation etc etc)
- Be able to update your project page up to the exhibition (and maybe even after, with documentation of the show?)
- Be able to show if you've continued working on your project after Piet Zwart, and point to an external website for the update)
- It could be the official alumni website. With a changing CSS for each year.
- ASTRID Nice to have an online 'document' of the graduation show that you can refer to after the exhibition as well, also good to reconsider/learn from for people next year (and later) to reflect upon mistakes and qualities we had in the show
- What could be the relation with the physical exhibition? (for instance: online catalog can also show exhibition documentation)}
- Like Petra said. If everything uses the same visual identity that would be great. So the exhibition map as well as the website.
Links to websites of art-shows/galeries
some inspiration and ideas for our online-calatalogue
- Landing page with large link to the most current website, and a list of previous websites. Each year you can use the same URL and just change the pages it links to (, etc)
- Bad: Need to click through to get to the actual catalog page (since we are making the first version, we don't need the archive list yet anyway)
- Bad: stuff was hosted externally which broke some older pages
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for a more fluid discussion