Free-as-in-beer-time TIRMESTER 02!!
General intro-outro-duction to the trimester:
Python and library-grabbing
Time has come to venture into the venomous inner of the snake. With the amour of last trimesters java-scripting and the latest shell-exploration this travel has yet been quite pleasant. Though syntax and commands differ from js in quite some ways, I'm managing (with aid from google/stackoverflow) to piece together larger scripts performing more complex tasks.
a) Image-finding-friend 19:42, 24 January 2013 (CET)
Currently I'm working on a tool which allows you to grap, save and preview all images present in a specific URL. I'm using a row of different python libraries to perform this action, most important in this edition:
- pycurl: Provides the ability to transfer the structure of an URL - Fetch desired URL
- Beautifulsoup: Makes it possible to search within an URL given to it from pycurl - find IMG-tags, and strip it so that only the image-link is left
- Urllib2: Allows you to download the content of a link - download images passed from Beautifulsoup
Shell Scriptin'
The latest few weeks I've been playing around with shell-scripting. Though still operating in Mac OSX (to the concern of many.. i shall migrate eventually), i've managed to put together small experiments using and interfering with the operating-system in, in some cases, disturbing ways.
b) Open them images! 19:42, 24 January 2013 (CET)
A shell which allows it to open an array of images opening and closing each in a rapid loop. The picks are 'sorted' randomly and all the images are found in big fan-png-packages trough Justin Bieber meets the trolls of the internet.
a) Text Shuffle 19:42, 24 January 2013 (CET)
This will shuffle the contents of a text-file, while also try to read aloud the shuffled material in all the available 'speach-voices' of the default Mac OSX 10.6.7. Maybe a whole new form of poetry? MAC-A-POEM.