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A presentation of the declarations research project, with quotes and some illustrations of how the research is looking at declarative web-languages. It is important to read the first and second part (what is CSS, and the research questions).

We will watch the video essay by Miriam Suzanne [Why is CSS so weird] as an important starting point to untangle some questions of the research together.

An evolving selection of declarations experiment, Doriane will present some of those progressively through the session.

On the special issue specifically and what we'll do during those 10 mondays.

  • it's a standard: browser war, can i use, Prescriptive and descriptive language, haikon lee example
  • inline-block fable, instinct
  • declarativeness linked to intentions, "words have a will of their own", myriam suzanne video
  • special issue will focus on: a diagonal approach to web-standard, as linguist instead of learning a language


A selection of references to go further.

Caption text
Header text Header text Header text
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example

Chapt.1 Words are events, they do things, change things (Entering CSS linguistics)

Monday 6 January

morning: presentation of declarations and of the special issue.

afternoon: a first exerice [Declarative companion]( but in group to share knwoledge, on a pad, using octomode.

Monday 13 January


  • small page that present display, and position, i will need iframes to start them!
  • space to drop lot of images?


  • sharing moment about the **Declarative companions** made last time.
  • css story of the day (Doriane pick one thing from the observatory and tell a story about it)
  • meeting: `display` and `position`, the two properties we are going to look at.
   * outside of CSS what does those words means to you in graphic design?
   * outside of graphic design what does those words means to you?
  • starting a media collection (nextcloud or wiki ?), to drop images of thing that echoes with the words: display, block, inline, flow, root, outer-inner, position, static, sticky, fixed, absolute, relative, inherit, initial.
  • browsing exercice: go through website we know and try to pick up interesting example of all those uses, through the inspector and screenshoting
  • starting reading the standard page

looking at the practice of arpentage (land surveying in EN)

Put forward from lower class worker desiring knowledge, but without academic background, splitting complex text between participants to only read 1 para then explain in simplest possible language to others. Creating diagonal reading / sensible (collective) understanding. Use for reading!

Monday 20 January


  • to read for that day: Nolwenn maudet - tactical design translation
  • css story of the day (Doriane pick one thing from the observatory and tell a story about it)
  • introduction to browser extension, the tactical interest of browser extension, how do they work concretly
  • **using CSS to reveal CSS, by styling element differently according to which property they are using**. making of the "lens" extension: when extension is activated it reveal in a graphical way the `display` and `position` properties on every website (ex: all element using `display: flex;` have a cyan outline, and we get information when hovering them)

Chapt.2 Every language has a grain (CSS Deep dive in ethymology & cultural usages)

from now on, we'll be dividing in two groups: one group focusing on `display` and `position`. groups will have moment to share back to the rest of the students their research progress.

Monday 27 January

No Class Meeting

Doriane in Berlin for a Declarations workshop

Monday 3 February


  • css story of the day (Doriane pick one thing from the observatory and tell a story about it)
  • starting the arpentage (collective reading) of the W3C standard draft for `display` and `position`


Monday 10 February


  • css story of the day (Doriane pick one thing from the observatory and tell a story about it)
  • continuing the arpentage (collective reading) of the W3C standard draft for `display` and `position`


Monday 17 February

  • what is a block in language/graphic design? what is a line in language/graphic design?
  • can we trace the history of certain of those words? how does `sticky` came to be? how does `flex` or `grid` came to be? (there are interesting stories there)

Chapt.3 I live in a different home everyday (Fabulating CSS standard evolution)

Monday 3 March

Monday 10 March

Monday 17 March

Monday 24 March

Chapt.1 Parallel sessions

Tuesday 7 January, with Joseph

Tuesday 14 January, with Manetta

Wednesday 15 January, Methods with Lídia

Tuesday 21 January, with Joseph

Wednesday 22 January, Methods with Lídia

Chapt.2 Parallel sessions

Tuesday 28 January, with Manetta

Tuesday 4 February, with Joseph

Wednesday 5 February, Methods with Lídia

Tuesday 11 February, with Manetta

nb: ONLINE OPEN DAY 10-11 (Joseph?), 17-18 (Manetta?)

Tuesday 18 February, with Joseph

Wednesday 19 February, Methods with Lídia

Chapt.3 Parallel session

Tuesday 4 March, with Joseph

Wednesday 5 March, Methods with Lídia

Tuesday 11 March, with Joseph

Tuesday 18 March, with Joseph

Wednesday 19 March, Methods with Lídia

Tuesday 25 March, with Manetta