User:Senka/a bas nije da nas nikad nije bilo

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квир истраживања све овде бацамо ајде идемо

Meetings with Ana Milić

  • her reseach on post-yugoslav queer and migrant oral histories
  • the things we've discussed in the interview
  • resources she shared with me:


Research questions

  • What is the language of queerness in the Balkans?
  • How could one dig up what had already been there, queer and hiding in plain sight, to counter the narrative of queerness being something that is inherently Western?
  • * More broadly how can one counter homonationalist queer narratives that posit the west as a the source of queerness?

3D explorations

Previous readings that posit the Balkans as a place that could not self identify, but is liminal because it was identified by larger global forces.

I wanted to get a bit better at making scenes (lighting, textures, etc) so I modeled and rendered a pool.
I followed this tutorial by intranet whom I love >>>[1]

Pioner dool




The history

Different ways to interact with a screen


Презентација у дрегу?


  • liminality on deciding on a region