What? (two sentences) I would like to create a "circuit bending kit". A portable version of the workshop that i've been hosting, containing a small publication (Yes, i think the XPUB urge to publish has finally got to me) and simple parts/tools to create bend.
Why? (two sentences) [old version: How? but very similar to workflow] Ideally, the publication gives me the opportunity to discuss topics that i haven't been able to dive into during the workshop itself (DIY culture, hacking as a way of owning).
Workflow (two or three sentences)
I need to expand upon the existing publication
Then test the kit with peers and gather feedback
then think about a way to somehow make this kit into not a 1-way-street.
Then make a box for the kit (ideally, the kit, the box and the parts are 1 nicely folded box thing)
Timetable (Sept*) If i will make this, this would/could be a first prototype to make in thesis season.
Relation to previous practice (two sentences, draw on Text on Practice) This is a continuation of my practice around electronics/waste/circuit bending, but now might actually include some writing?
Choices made (two sentences)