WikiBabble/Hi Aleijs

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
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Should we make this page an uninterrupted stream of c̴̨͕̖̤̈͊̀͆̀̅͠o̸̖̪̾n̴̡͍͎̼͙͐̏̈́͑̿̈̚s̶̺̠̭͈̦̰̑̾͒̌͐̚͜ͅc̴̢̢̭͚͎̠̯̪̓͗̃͠͝ḭ̸̘̖̮̥̓͝ő̵ͅú̶͓̜̗̆̍̐̋̌̓̽ş̴̨͉͖͍̥͖͕̥͊̃͂͂͋͐͒̓͝ͅn̶̠̈́̆̐̀̃̍e̶̡̛͈͈̽̂͋͗̈́̽̈̀ś̴̘̞̦̠̱̖̿̍̀̎͊͝ś̵̜̘͎̗̬̉, an amalgamation of lunatic messages, or a tidy, shiny, 🫧🧴✧clean✧🧴🫧 chatlog with an elegant structure? what about using different colors? Stream of consiousness? Who are we? James Joyce? Of course we of course and today is


Alessia > Wow how did I send this message?
Magic smoke fueled wiki rites < Thijs
Alessia >  [answer pending] 
Do you know the King Crimson song 'Elephant Talk'? < Thijs


Alessia >  Chatter, chit-chat, chit-chat, chit-chat :)) Now I do