User:₳(ɤ)ɠɭaḯa/T H E S I S O U T L I N E

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* To be added references within the text *


In the introduction I should address explicitly the topic and the question and start drawing the connections between the key terms that I will incorporate in the thesis (as well as in the project) like bureaucracy, border, immaterial (border), document, educational bureaucratic apparatus. I would also provide the reader with my motivation for researching this. Maybe placing the research into a larger context and explaining the reason why I zoomed in WDKA. It would be fruitful to talk about my positioning and why did I chose to do a situated research, why is it important to my practice? Also the introduction is the place and the time to talk about the relation of the thesis with the project since they are weaved together in a inseparable way with each other.

A key question and a starting point. I could What it means to be documented and what inefficiently documented? (maybe I can refer at this point to the recording of this woman’s speech at the demonstration in Amsterdam maybe I can use this as an entry or a starting point structuring my interest/argument in relation to my previous practice) ...

My voice has not be heard

Today I want to emphasize

We will keep fighting

for refugees rights

for migrants rights


I always say

nobody leaves home

unless home is dangerous

Nobody leaves home unless home …

How many Palestinians do we have in the building ?

We may not be in Palestine

We are very angry with what happens to Palestine

We are very angry by the wall created

by the Western world

We are very sad that the ? and the tear guns they are applied to our country


I am here of the rights of the children which haven't be in the (?) education since

they have undocumented mothers and they are more than ? years

I am here to represent mothers who are looking for a place to have a sense of belonging or

how long are you trying to continue humiliating them and the female gender

I am here to express my frustration with IND

So frustrated

And I will not stop about democracy

Democracy in the rule of law where everybody feels included

Democracy is a rule of law where everybody feels ...

That has undocumented people we don't feel a sense of belonging from the system

(...) , Dam Square Amsterdam 18th of June 2023 , 15:05

Body of text

Chapter 1


I think that this chapter is going to be a bit more theoretical and will attempt to shape the territory for a future discussion and justify myself about my initial assumption. I will try to understand and unfold these notions that are listed underneath and to find some (inter)connections.

- What is my interest in the notion of border and what is actually a border?

- What is bureaucracy and how bureaucracy can constitute an immaterial border?

- How bureaucracy constitutes infrastructure?

- The tyranny of transparency and the supposed neutrality of the form (maybe this fits better to the last chapter) Talking about the bureaucratic aesthetic and the potential behaviour/readings that (re)produces. Bureaucracy as an (hidden) infrastructure.

- How even an educational institution/a fine art school can reflect a government’s /state’s rules on migration policies, control, security etc

- Corporization of education and new established bureaucratic rituals (At some point I think is important to clarify the use of ritual. Why the word ritual? It could be this repetitive practice through which an ideology structure is established and naturalized )

keywords of this chapter: border (materiality/immateriality), bureaucracy (as an immaterial border), educational bureaucracy, infrastructure, reflect, documented

Chapter 2

THE CASE OF WDKA – what does it mean to open the archive of the administration of an educational institution

* ( I am wondering if I need a form that should allow me to have access to the administrative documents of the course. How Leslie and I can be covered legally in case this research is published? )

- What is an archive and how you can create publics by opening the archive. What is the desirable relation with the receivers/witnesses?

- How did I conducted my situated research?

In the first sub-chapter I would like to unfold the research process. Maybe I could bridge or give a theoretical context regarding the archive and the counter-archive. How public archive can function as a space of appearance or create a testimony? In order to justify my choice of making an archive.

A detailed explanation of the steps I have been through by opening the archive, diving into documents, from 2002 till 2022, the scanning process, what I kept and what did I discard, putting them together in a folder, classifying them (what do i keep and what do i discard, what I want to highlight having in the back of my head the QUESTION and how the classification can produce a different knowledge or an insight). The way I order/organize/categorize the produced knowledge is a position.

- What are my observations/comments from the process in relation to the my initial questions (chapter 1)?

In the second sub-chapter I will look deeper in the material that I gathered/created and how this material is capable of drawing inferences or just hints relatable to my initial assumption about the bordering nature of bureaucracy in relation to the transformation of the institution and the migration policies? Is this question approached or my investigation is completely irrelevant? How do I structure an argument using a variety of input? How this material is combined with the information I gained from the interviews with COIA administrator, the course coordinator, the IND or government legislation can construct a testimony or a small window to answer or just to open a conversation about the invisible – visible apparatus of educational bureaucracy.

keywords of this chapter: public archive, open archive, research process, material, results, inferences of research

Chapter 3


Starting again with some theory regarding the bureaucratic aesthetic regarding graphic design, potential beheaviours etc. Possibly in this chapter i would like to unpack the “nature” of the document as the minimum object/unit of the bureaucracy apparatus, to talk a bit about the structure/language/graphic design of document or highlight invisible/visible elements of bureaucracy.

*Caps Lock – the designer as engineer

*Writing Machines – Materialising the metaphor

The bureaucratic form/document as an interface of conflict/discourse (with the intimate story)

Bureaucratic dramaturgies and how you can find (or loose) yourself in them.

The main question of this chapter might be in relation to the the vulnerability of the individual behind bureaucracy. Coming again to the first chapter assumption on how bureaucracy constitutes an immaterial but still a border.

What it means to put a document in a different context, or to annotate a document or to place next to the document a small personal story. What friction or conflict or dissonance/paraphony is created there?

How a document literature /language constructs an identity, classifies, categories or fragments the person. How a piece of paper in a folder in a drawer in a in a room , in a building can become the barrier or the master. The story of (dis-mis-counter) placement.

How we perceive a bureaucratic document and how this document corresponds or is in conflict with the personal story. How the document de-humanises. How behind every bureaucracy there is hidden violence and how you reveal or talk about it.

I would like to collect some personal small stories/experiences of my peers regarding the bureaucratic obstacle (probably xpub or lens based or piet people). The bureaucratic language/text in relation to the personal gaze over this (bureaucratic)text. The personal story or experience that disrupts the continuity of the form. How a structured form can become a (plain) text and an entry for an ongoing discourse. Interviews or annotations or stories or filled misfunctional forms and how people (piet zwart community or basically students) correspond/manoeuvre/hack/mis-read/destroy/mis-use/fake/mess with a (given) form/a document. !! there is a danger in there. if you reveal the manoeuvres or the hacks, the authorities can always make their security systems better and stronger

Bureaucratic form/document as an interface of conflict/discourse

key-words of this chapter: vulnerability, personal gaze over the bureaucratic text, story, disrupts continuity, interface of conflict, document, de-humanise


I can talk about my research experience and how somebody can contribute to this archive. How this can be become an ongoing project? A ongoing deposit of marginalized knowledge about wdka