Pen plotters

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Plotters at XPUB

HP DraftPro EXL

HP DraftPro DXL, promotion photo (1988), found in the HP Museum:

A0+ pen plotter.

Currently borrowed from Varia. It was a gift from Gijs (OSP).

It speaks: HPGL (HP graphics language)

USB connection


Give the plotter the permission of your user and usergroup!

$ chown user:user /dev/ttyUSB0
$ cat myfile.hpgl > /dev/ttyUSB0


Make a virtual environment (with Python2):

$ virtualenv FOLDERNAME

Start the virtual environment:

$ source FOLDERNAME/bin/activate

Install Chiplotle (the Python library to speak HPGL to the plotter):

$ pip install Chiplotle 

Run Chiplotle:

$ chiplotle


The plot function is under: export > plot

Error: pySerial is not installed.

Please follow these steps:

  1. Download and extract (unzip) this file to your local harddisk:
  2. Copy the "serial" folder (Can be found inside the just extracted folder) into the following Inkscape folder: /usr/????????
  3. Close and restart Inkscape

Plotting time!

Inkscape + Chiplotle


Example settings of a A3 landscape .hpgl file.

Make a vector file in Inkscape.

Save it as a HPGL file. See the image on the right for the settings.

For example: A3 landscape

Super tip (!): landscape file = portrait plot. Make a landscape document, it plots in portrait orientation on the plotter (weird, but works)


Activate the virtual environment:

$ source FOLDERNAME/bin/activate

Start Chiplote:

$ chiplotle

Check if the default plotter is selected automatically:

> plotter

Send a HPGL file to the plotter:

> plotter.write_file('FILENAME.hpgl')


Color Separation

This ColorSeparation tool from OSP: Tools/ColorSeparation


$ sh ColorSeparation FILENAME


├── gunta-stoelzl-study-cmyk-page001(Black).jpg
├── gunta-stoelzl-study-cmyk-page001(Cyan).jpg
├── gunta-stoelzl-study-cmyk-page001(Magenta).jpg
└── gunta-stoelzl-study-cmyk-page001(Yellow).jpg


filters > distorts > newsprint
spotfunction: lines
oversample: 1
cell size: 5


Bitmap tracing time!

However, it would be great to have a trace that does not create outlines of the lines, but renders them as single lines ... (also to speed up the final penplot!).

For this there must be an extention: center trace.

... But where?

Ah! install Inkscape 1.0 (or higher)! It comes with the newer version :).

(removed my inkscape and installed from backports!)

sudo apt remove inkscape
sudo apt -t buster-backports install "inkscape"


HP Fiber Tip Plotter Pens S Style Pens