Aitana text on practice -

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Revision as of 12:32, 8 February 2023 by Aitana25 (talk | contribs)

Notes by Clara

What have you been making

This past weeks I have been mainly been editing a short 4 mins video, for a presentation at the Eye museum. In the video I used an audio recording of a friend from several years ago. Combined with another language being visuals. Energetic video, partially violent.

Starting point when working with Yalou, finding new methods that make one feel good. Sharing a conversation. Private female conversations and stories. Where one can find several layers. The have not been seen as important. Now in the second film the conversation is the main point.

Connecting audio recording as letters. Similar feeling. Listened to recordings and focussed on audio talking about feeling good in relation to creative expression and sexuality. The way she speaks being very intriguing.

A new way of reflecting on conversations ans how to visualise them. Something in the act of sharing a private moment.

Dislocating the nature of a conversation. Connected to playfulness. Change the context, playing with it. The conversation itself does not change, but the framework. Gives a feeling of freedom to try different formal aspects, move around and mix

What do you want to do next

Reflect more. Now is time for reflection, reading and writing. Feminism in history. Female voices. How were women silenced. Start a diary again.

Practically speaking; continue editing and find another way to approach the same video. Playing with the choreography of video and the subtitles. Realised, that there are many aspects. Did not want subtitles at first, but now changed mind. Importance of accessibility that should always be present. reflect on this aspect. I would like to address that always having to be there.

Work in recording studio, speak directly to images in an absurd way. Develop this more. Reflect more on interested in this.

Why do you want to focus on that

Feel a need to explore more the visual language in editing. making different versions of the same video. Share it with others in the master. Which can help as an exercise. How does the rhythm, the visuals work. How does it function to show a video of a foreign language.

Technically and content.

Time of rest after finishing a work and take time to reflect. So much has happened as you were just focussed on doing. Find unconscious/impulsive choices and look at those now. Different languages being actual languages bur also visual languages.

need to study for that more to get in depth. But yes, language is important.

Would like to approach everything with humour.

How do different languages speak to each other.