File:Marusa Vehovarassassment predstavitev.pdf
I take the tunnel.
i like the tunnel. Geographically it is not really in the middle of my way, but when i get to it, whether is it going somewhere out, or going home, i always have the filling, oh, i'm almost there. there is no traffic, it is not windy, it does not rain, and you get to take two little breaks when going down and up the electric stairs. if you sing in the tunnel, your voice ecoes. it also breaks the flatnes of the route.
tunel je prazen. Bele stene, na njih luci v razdalji enakih intervalov, na tleh dve ravni crti. ni veliko drazljajev ki bi te zamotili ali prevzeli tvojo pozornost. edini drazljaji so drugi kolesarji, kar privede do podrobnejsega opazovanja drug drugega. hitro se priblizujes drug drugemu,
7. NOVEMBER 2022
first encounter with Mr Tunnel.
he is French.
he does not speak English. I do not speak French.
I mimik my way into asking for taking his photo.
he smiles and gives me thumbs up.
for a goodbye he gives me two mint candies.
9. NOVEMBER 2022
Mr Tunnel is not there.
the chair is on the right side as usual.
10. NOVEMBER 2022
construction work started again, on the third escalates from the left.
they put up fences
chair is in the corner
16. NOVEMBER 2022
Mr Tunnel is siting in his chair but on the left side because of the construction work
he never sat on the left side before. it messes with the balance, it messes with the tradition.
I am not a fan, i just bike by
17. NOVEMBER 2022
I drew him in the morning. his portrait from the photo i took of him on the right side of the illustration, and on the left side a never ending tunnel with a whale inside, and a chair in the middle.
he is sitting on the chair, on the wrong side. i stop my bike and take out my scetch book. i try to get out the illustration but i rip it instead. i give it to him anyways. i can see that he does not really know how to react. he smiles and takes his big plastic mistery bag that is sitting next to him. he pulls out a coca cola bubble gum and give it to me. he reaches in the bag again and pulls out two Kruidvat flyers. he hazitates a little bit and gives me one. points at me, then at the flyer and says "werk". funny, because on this same day i get a call from a job i applied to.
this was my second closer encounter with Mr Tunnel. and i rip my first message for him before i even give it to him. i hope it does not mean something, because it just can not be positive..
18. NOVEMBER 2022
i realize that his chair is not green as i was saying the whole time. it is dirty blue.
19. NOVEMBER 2022
He is not there. his chair is pushed to the wall and next to it another chair appears. exciting!
the new chair is deep dark blue, not on wheels, but legs.
for who is this chair? does Mr Tunnel have a buddy? or is he just changing chairs
21. NOVEMBER 2022
the two chairs sit alone in the corner.
a cardboard box is in between them
22. NOVEMBER 2022
I spot Mr Tunnel from outside already
we wave at each other. i have my camera ready but i dont take a photo, because i feel awkward. i do not know how to aproach him. what if he does not want to be aproached. but i still do not know why is he there.
zgodba dveh stolov
stol na nogah in stol na kolesckih postavata v prehodnem prostoru tunela. oba sta modre barve, drugacnega odtenka. postvata in cakata. cakata, da se kdo ustavi in se vsede na njiju. za to sta tam. a vsem se kar naprej mudi mimo njiju, naprej, nekam ven. kam grejo? zakaj ju nihce ne pogleda? zakaj se nihce ne zmeni za njiju? tako dolgo ze cepita v kotu juzne sprejemnice tunela, da se niti ne spomneta vec, kje sta bila prej. od kod so ju prinesli in zakaj so ju prinesli tja, ce ju nihce ne uporablja. spomnita se le toplega objema hvaleznega telesa, vonja jasminovega caja in praskanja po hrbtu nekaksnih krempljev. sedaj pa samujeta v kotu, nabirata prah na sebi in se spogledujeta s klopco na drugi strani sobe. opazujeta mimoidoce crne postave, ki s pogledom v tla potiskajo ob sebi jeklene konjicke na pedala. pogumnejsi jih zajahajo ze kar v prostoru. postave prihajajo z desne in padejo v jamo, ali pa prilezejo iz jame in stecejo v dez. ze davno sta se nehala sprasevati kaj je v jami, kaj je pod dezjem. kaj ce nikoli vec ne obcutita topline telesa. je to sedaj njuna usoda? cepeti v kotu tako blizu, pa tako dalec. mogoce pa si niti ne zelita topline neznanca..................... nekega mrzlega jutra pa v prostor zaide star gospod, z nakupovalno vrecko v eni roki in sprehajalno palico v drugi. na glavi ima poveznjeno cepico s katere na njegove rame kapljajo debele kaplje. verjetno od dezja. gospod za trenutek se ustavi in miruje. pocasi obrne glavo in se s svojimi sivimi ocmi zazre v stola.