Special Issue 18 Work

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[everything is interconnected] [implication] [responsibility] [relationality] [becoming] [interdependency] [resonance] [interference] [entanglement] [techno-ecology]


 Radio Implicancies is about practicing interdependencies. About how to stay with the complex entanglements between the personal, the economical, the political and the computational. About thinking, using and making technology with mutual relations in mind.

Full terminology here.

  • agential realism

According to Barad's theory of agential realism, the universe comprises phenomena, which are "the ontological inseparability of intra-acting agencies". Intra-action, a neologism introduced by Barad, signals an important challenge to individualist metaphysics.

Key Figures

[Karen Barad] is an American feminist theorist, known particularly for their theory of agential realism. Their research topics include feminist theory, physics, twentieth-century continental philosophy, epistemology, ontology, philosophy of physics, cultural studies of science, and feminist science studies.


Reads annotations are here.

  • Barad, Karen (2007). Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning


  • week 00 [prep & setup + covid as an extra]

introduction to the special issue topic & process
terminology & technical setup of the studio that I missed
self-isolation & covid... #canceleverything
pads: personal, special issue


week 00 [work w/ Emma]


[about] During the creation time for our first contribution, I was self-isolating at home because of covid; and Emma was visiting her family in Belgium. Emma suggested the idea and she later mixed the recordings so we can hear the two recordings merged. It is an interesting contrast between her being at a different place every time, whereas I was being in the same space where there was not much happening.
[field recording] We did several field recordings of the time and place we were at some given moments. The field recording format was [1] introduction of time and place; and [2] recording of the sounds in the space. We also took one photo of that moment.
[photo glitching with audacity] I became interested how Audacity can be used to create glitched images. Thus, I experimented with that on the documentation photos we took.