Kamo 🍲
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
- Super nice project.
I like how we take care of each other, it is something new for me in the context of a
collective project.
- The attention to the group's pace was something really precious.
- The exchange of knowledge
- Self organized workshops, something we should do more and regularly!
- Developing software that suits us
- Check in moments
- A lot of meetings
- A lot of meetings
- Communication is difficult.
- We should explore more the idea of a shared glossary
- Even if misunderstandings are nice sometimes and lead to unexpected outcomes
- Self directed project: i like it, but at some point difficult
- I mean like in the real world
- Cristina: helped a lot during decision making
- Cristina: super high quality contents and approaches
- 👹 & 👺: constantly raising the level.
- 👹 & 👺: Continously questioning industry' standards
👹 & 👺: We arrived with some grazy ideas and they replied with something even grazier
👹 & 👺: Super stimulating to prototype something and then they showed how to do the
same thing but with a more horizontal, accessible and inclusive approach
👹 & 👺: we need more prototyping hours, or organized differently. Once in a week is not
really ideal. What about split in 2?
- Steve: nice writing exercises they were super helpful
During the excercise for writing the manifesto I had my headphones on listening to ? and
at some point I was super focused writing and I heard at the same time the music and the
silence in the room. It was really an ecstatic moment.
- Not read enough tho, I was too much into exploring and doing things
Reading session with Erica and Mitsa at the beginning. Was nice we should do it
- Clara's lecture was my fav: thank you
- Angeliki and Wordmord were great
- Danny was intresting
Simon was intresting but the timing of the lesson totaly wrong, really hard to focus
right after lunch & the meeting
- Really liked the iterative process of develop—share—adapt things
- Even if sometimes it hurt
- the joy of digital DIY
- the pain of digital DIY
- Our API was something like an ecosystem: messy, exotic, vernacular
- And im really happy about it
- technology as a social and shared space
- I worked with the most of us
- But not with everyone
- The right idea landed 10 days late
- But it couldn't be otherwise I think
Ideas arrive always at the right moment, what we could do while waiting it's just setup
the environment
Maybe it's easier to begin and adjust the direction meanwhile, rather than being
stubborn on everything being clear and perfect from the start
It's true that choosing a format at the beginning could be helpful, but at the same time
the ideal medium for something could not be chosen in advance
- It's also true that constraining ourselves since the beginning it's stimulating
- And helps to focus
- I like how slowly we got all together to the idea of the API
- Sometimes I was afraid of pushing things to much!
- It was not easy to trust each other but really rewarding
- Trusting each other in the process of work is also a way to manage energies better
- I like to rely on others for things I'm really not good at
- But i found out is nice also for things I'm good at
- Because in the end the result feels more shared, and with plural voices
- Sharing expertise
Visual Identity outcomes were not really my thing at the beginning and I was a bit
panicking, because I'm super sensible and conditioned by visual outcomes.
- But at the end I got to like the direction and I was super happy with the result.
Even if I'm still not really sure about the text indent, doesn't it feel a bit messy in
the website?
- We aimed super high
But there were moments in which i felt to slow down everyone because of technical
issues. Sorry
- Technical issues always slow down the work
Actually this is a constant of working with technology, so not really a problem. More an
epistemic thing. The borders of a project are its technical issues? Woa mr F. this is so
dryyy have a break pls
- Technical issues: prompt new perspective on how to do things
Setting up the infrastructure for the special issue at the end required a lot of time
- I would have preferred to focus more on the actual contents
- Because it is true that we worked with the politics of access to our materials etc
But at the end the most of materials were left out ah ah and this is a pity because they
were super intresting things