Codes for quilting
for x in range(10):
print ("hello python") print (x)
x = 1 while x<10:
print (f"x is {x}") x = x + 1
words = ['weaving', 'with', 'words', 'and', 'code']
- First a simple loop through the list
for word in words:
- Then, a loop in which we start to play with random again
import random for word in words:
print(random.choice(words), random.choice(words), random.choice(words), random.choice(words), random.choice(words))
- How to work with more iterations of the loop?
- For example 100?
- You can use "range"
- Make a loop that starts at 0 and ends at 99 (100 iterations)
import random for number in range(100):
print(random.choice(words), random.choice(words), random.choice(words), random.choice(words), random.choice(words))
- You can use range also differently, for example to loop in between two numbers ...
for number in range(50, 60):
print(number, 'x'* number)
- ... or with bigger steps:
for number in range(0,100,10):
print(number, '*'* number)
- Now... write a loop in a loop
for x in range(1,6):
for y in range(1,6): print('x'* x, 'y'* y)