EYE Researchlabs/pad
Please add keywords and sentences about "non-linear." Jue will edit our collective thoughts and send an edit to Tina on Wed, 14/11. Final draft to EYE will go out on Thursday.
- Sonia keywords: Thinking about chaos theory/nonlinear dynamics. However, I think the text as it is covers this and it need not be mentioned explicitly.
- Mia keywords: collage (also in relation to surrealism&dada), picture within a picture, animation, retrograding (or retrogradation), flow of thoughts, recalling (memory)
- Mia comments on the text: The tone of the text reminds me of 'we are the Borg, you will be assimilated...' /We are nonlinear./ but i like it that way
title: i like 'Disobedient Structures or Disobedient narratives ' but would put 'working title' in brackets in case we change it (and i would prefer to leave it open for now, discuss it later when we are further in the process) Dorothy's reference to early cinema is a good remark i think. But it might not be necessary to include everything in the text now, we will probably have to hand in a longer one later, right? then this idea could be developed a bit more, as a reference to the past. (Yes, we do live in a non-linear age, but non-linearity is not a completely new concept/phenomenon. It has been in one way or another present in previous eras (shown through early cinema for instance). Is it directly related to human nature itself? But I agree it is very distinctive for our time, of course... Memory or some other keyword related to Dorothy's comments could be included as a keyword instead of rhetorical existence?
Title: Nothing Particularly Recognizable (! lol -tina!) What about "Non-Linear Mon Amour" ? cheezy i know. 15 Pieces of Time? [where the number is the no. of films we make] nice! 15 x time Titles: I sent to Jue and Susanna this morning: "On Demand: Disobedient Narratives <or Structures /Assemblies?>"(the term non-linear can be just part of the "blurb" and not the title) "Unfolding Intervals and the Collapse of Linear"
We get our news from twitter feeds rather than broadcast. We listen to music from an algorithm predicting our preferences from millions of other users’ playlists. We revisit our favorite episode of Black Mirror on Netflix. Heck, we have created Black Mirror in the first place. We live in a non-linear age. - let's not reference black mirror? I do agree we live in a non linear age tho!
Time is liquid. Information is overgrown. We crave the condensation: visualizations, synopsis, headlines. We complain about our attention span and we subscribe to yet another newsletter. We talk to a client on the phone whilst coordinating a video conference across three continents in an email. CC. BCC. SEND. We are everywhere at all times. We are non-linear.
Non-linear is cinematics, asethetics, politics, a rhetorical existence. Non-linear is compact, ruptured, disjointed. Is a line linear? - This is art speak, not sure it makes sense tbh
In this program -- set in a conventionally linear space and shown on a single screen -- we investigate such as non-linear encompasses reality. -- Good sentance ;) ... as non-linearity encompasses reality.
2nd edit: ;)
Disobedient Narratives: [WE LIKE THIS TITLE BEST, EWAN+SAL] really? I like Disobediant Assemblies... but whatever... Assemblies sounds too much like Judith Butlers idea of Assmblies/assemblism yep or Bruno Latour... got it. :) <3
We live in a non-linear age. We increasingly source our information from social media feeds rather than broadcast. Our interactions are charaterised by scrolling through fragmeneted pieces of time. Our reality shifts between multiple pop up windows.
Information is overgrown. We crave the condensation: visualizations, synopsis, headlines. We complain about our short attention span while we click subscribe, yet again. FOLLOW. CC. BCC. SEND. We are everywhere at all times.
Non-linear is cinematics, asethetics, politics, a rhetorical existence. Non-linear is compact, ruptured, disjointed. In this program - set in a conventionally linear space and shown on a single screen - we investigate how the fractured self encompasses reality. We are non-linear.
===_____________====___tina quotes, and misc. to appear here ^__________________====_____
"Change is non-linear and can go backwards, forwards and sideways” Alvin Toffler (Futurist, author, Future Shock)
"We need to find another way or another shape or an allegory or something that tells us more. Agnes Varda on Vagabond
Funny quote from some "guy" on a science site..." Even friendship is non-linear" Chris Alfeld whoever the hell he is.
I'll repost this here: Marieke:
Hi I did some research
http://www.tasteofcinema.com/2015/the-20-best-movies-with-a-nonlinear-storyline/ this is just a list with non-linear movies.
I don't think about non-linear in just the narrative way so here is how I also perceive non-linear:
These are 2 videos by Jessa Kanda I think it's interesting how these bodies are disrupted and taken out of their linear framework (if that makes any sense at all)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBxlPZyHQlU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7CTo2-bAA8
Tina: Yes... the indeed, notion of fluidity and disruption, spatial and temporal STRETCHING... Marieke you echo the point that everyone might try to think in a more "meta" way about non-linearity.
On this pad, write down your name and your suggested method for all of us to generate ideas. Here is an examples from today’s meeting.
- "I will bring in today's newspaper. We can then choose pieces of interesting news from that day and use that as the start for our film, however we are inspired." (idea credit: Ugo)
2. In the pre-meeting at 17.00, we will discuss/vote on the idea we’d like to go forward with. Depending on the scope of the idea, we might be able to develop our collaboration plan or elaborate our derived idea -- if not, at least we can take concrete actions and sum them up for Tina.
(1) jue: All pieces will involve one action. It can be part of a scene or a scene itself. The action: discard a piece of paper (flushing down the toilet, throwing into the ocean, etc. etc.)
(6) Sonia Revelation. At the end of each piece we “zoom out” or pull-back the camera in some way to reveal our “set”. Use this as a device to expose what is happening behind-the-scenes in the making of each work. Some bad examples: when you see the boom mic entering the frame, a mirror reflecting the camera operator, pull back to see equipment and studio, etc.
(1) Andreas: Copy Of… Everyone will randomly be chosen a partner to collaborate. The collaboration looks like this: you have to use a part of each partners movie. Either it is a whole scene (that is being altered), or just a frame that pops up super quickly. It is up to you.
(0) Marieke: I just thought this quote was interesting from this essay Aesthetics of Silence nothing concrete sorry.. : Consider the difference between "looking" and "staring." A look is (at least, in part) voluntary; it is also mobile, rising and falling in intensity as its foci of interest are taken up and then exhausted. A stare has, essentially, the character of a compulsion; it is steady, unmodulated, "fixed."
(3) Felix: I don't now if this can be used as a topic or method, but I think in the whole project there is something relating to institutions and construction and hierarchy in it. Interesting... expand upon this a bit? Do you mean working with EYE and PZ? t.b.
(10) Cem: a gradual change in the artwork through time by addition of a new material or substracting an existing element. GRADUALISM AS A METHOD. (12) Katia: non linear narrative (time) & Dorothy: Non-linear timeline / narrative (~ resembles the theme "time" or "memory" but as a form)
(1) Mia: to have a text (poem, play, paragraph from the manifesto etx.), we divide it in phrases (each of us has a starting and ending phrase) BUT - which text? :(
(4) Ugo: How do we experience time in photography / displacement / the passage from still to moving image /
Meeting notes 12/11/2018
After voting on the above we decided on: Films will be non-linear
Whoever already has image material, please send it to Susanna for the eye. Also descriptions if available. DEADLINE THURSDAY 15/11/18
When doing research, please put your links here so everyone can profit.
Next meeting: Wed 14/11/18 @6:30pm in studio, preferably with 2-mins presentation of research
Marieke: Hi I did some research http://www.tasteofcinema.com/2015/the-20-best-movies-with-a-nonlinear-storyline/ this is just a list with non-linear movies. I don't think about non-linear in just the narrative way so here is how I also perceive non-linear: These are 2 videos by Jessa Kanda I think it's interesting how these bodies are disrupted and taken out of their linear framework (if that makes any sense at all) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBxlPZyHQlU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7CTo2-bAA8 Tina: Yes... the indeed, notion of fluidity and disruption, spatial and temporal STRETCHING... Marieke you echo the point that everyone might try to think in a more "meta" way about non-linearity.
Greetings from Henrietta. She is in hospital. • Get well soon Henrietta hope ur okay xx Marieke get well soon! -cemal xx Get well. TB
Meeting notes 05/11/18
Themes thrown around last meeting with Tina:— • TIME • MEMORY
// INDIVIDUAL PREFERRED DIRECTIONS • Lotte’s theme: Digital and Physical Space re: sexuality • Mia: 2D animation, abstract. • Dororthy: Personal experience / memory / colonial / sexuality
// BRAINSTORM / POOL OF IDEAS • Digital Space / Time / Memory • Displacement • Theme being about the form rather than the content. (-->see CURRENT DIRECTION) • Something that refers to the experience of the spectator/viewer. (e.g short clips invoke the feeling of youtube streaming) • Introduction of some kind of interactive aspect. • Time as a restraint. e.g. each piece is 2 minutes / 120 seconds • Non-linear form (~ resembles the theme "time" or "memory" but as a form)
// GENERAL QUESTIONS • Collaborations or individual projects? — Some people prefer collaborations, others are undecided — Collaborations will happen organically so no need to lock this in yet.
• Narrative film or form based ? — The general consensus was that nobody was interested in pursuing a traditional narrative structure for the Eye project -- Not a lot of people have experience with making narrative flms, so if collaborating on one, it is risky. I agree! TB
• Is it a showcase of what we’re doing? — well, yes.
// GENERAL IDEAS • A self-reflective film that analyses the process. A big collaboration…too risky. • Start with a sentence/a Google search/random word generator --> each person/team produces a short film of the prompt and/or actually using it in the film Consider other rule based parameters to "guide" ... ?
>>>>>>>Most people agree that CONSTRAINTS ARE HELPFUL!<<<<<<<<<<<<
In general, a connective device to link each person’s piece:
— One single ingredient / A common element (see GENERAL IDEAS) — All films are set in one “universe” — Same beginning and end frame (chain structure) like exquisite corpse
• WRITER : Jue Writes about our theme. Descriptions (short description and blog longer description)
• THE EYE CONTACT : Susanna Someone to liaise with The Eye & collect information from everyone.
• TECHNICAL PERSON: Ugo Technical issues, checking files for any errors a week before and compiles Technical Rider for the Eye.
• MARKETING MATERIALS/DESIGN: Andy e.g. poster, program, etc
• DEADLINE PERSON: Mia Gives reminders for set deadlines, “Don’t forget to…” emails, etc.
Everyone to come up with an idea for the connective element/device/theme to bring all the works together. We each present our ideas at the next meeting (17h Monday 12.11.2018) and vote on one idea before we meet with Tina at 19h.