Calendars:Networked Media Calendar/Networked Media Calendar/26-09-2018 -Event 1

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

XPUB1: 11:00 - 18:00 RW&RM Steve in the small project space

Session One

Each session of RW&RM seminar has a practical outcome

The aim is to help with your research for the Special Issue.

Today’s session will have two outcomes

1) A 300 word description of your past work

2) A synopsis and abstract of a text you are reading in relation to the Special Issue.


1) MORNING: conduct a warm-up exercise in which you will write and co-edit a series of texts together.

You will publish these on the wiki at 14:00.


2) AFTERNOON: In the afternoon session we will ask: what would the entreprecariat reader look like?

How can you navigate, share and consolidate the knowledge you are gaining for Special Issue 7?

We will discuss and experiment with the methods of synopsis, annotation and abstraction which allow for easy orientation and articulation of a corpus of texts. We will begin designing a method in the weeks we will work on Special Issue 7


11:00- 11:30 Discuss with Steve how the Special Issue is developing. The aim is to incorporate the research you are doing with the special issue with that of the methods class

11:30- 14:00

A description of past work

300 word description of your work

100 words = what?


100= why?

a) 11:30-12:30: write texts

b) 12:30- 13:30: in groups of three. Writer, remain SILENT whilst the two readers give feedback on their text, make notes on the changes they suggest.

c) 13:30: edit your text

d) 14:00 upload text

Upload here:



15:15- 17:30

What would the entreprecariat reader look like?

Gather key texts (Silvio's recommendations + other texts)

Allocate readers-writers to particular texts

Make synopsis (300 - 500 words)

Ask what is the argument (thesis)?

What is the conclusion?

Make abstract (150 words max)

OUTCOME: by the end of the day we will have synopsis of eight texts relating to the subject of the entreprecariat.

entreprecariat reader synopses and abstracts

17:30 Upload, review and recap today's outcomes; discuss aims for next session. Next stage (after this session) put texts discussed together along with the abstracts and synopses into a provisional reader – it grows (like the Whole Earth Catalogue) as you add texts, as the project. Discuss forms this can take and workflow which takes reading, annotation and synopsis and abstract making as a collective research practice which feeds into Special Issue 7 (Wiki? Pad?,Rasberry Pi?)