Tancre's What Why How 26-9-18

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Revision as of 12:36, 26 September 2018 by Tancre (talk | contribs)

A description of past work, 300 word description of your work. 100 words = what? / 100=How? / 100= why?


As a Graphic Designer, my work is mostly concentrated on the sphere of the visual and the theory of Design plus an educational approach and a specific interest in technologies. Design itself, as a discipline, was born at the Bauhaus and there it was based on the first main course, Basic Design, where visual objects are analysed theoretically in their components. On one hand of my practice wants to develope the core idea of Design as it was created in the Bauhaus Basic Course. The other hand is an attempt to link this old practice to a technological environment, encouraging free experimentaion without the nowdays need in Design to create a final utilitaristic object.

To do this my work focus into two main disciplines: art and science, and all their relative branches. By analysing the visual world (space, form, colour...) with a scientific approach the idea is to develop a series of works as free experiments that explain theirselves. The idea is to recreate the old approach to Design as it was in the Bauhaus school. There technicians and artists worked togheter by putting enphasis on free experimentation used in artistic disciplines linked to a scientific and logical approach.

The fundamental idea is an attempt to overcome the internal fragmentation of discipline and refound design as a science of art, art of science. Design itself was born as an attempt to put together science and art. In fact in ancient Greece there were no difference between the two disciplines (technè). Nowdays the approach of Design have lost his relation with art and free experimentation by focusing on industrial production becoming a way to make capital against his original intent. Free experimentation still work in Design related to new technologies where there isn't a specific way to create products and so there is the possibility to act more freely.
