GRADuation SEMInar
what. /// I want to do a research into the cosmology and rituals of the Kuna people of Panama, and also focus on their oral history, and rites of using the oral history through lullabies. The plan is to spend 3 weeks with the Kuna tribe and basically find a story I want to go into further through communicating, conducting interviews, and digging into interesting rites and rituals of their everyday lives and behaviours.
Plan is to research before and after spending time with the tribe but also to rely on chance, intuition and observational skills. I want to make a body of photography and video work, mostly analogue, using 35mm photography and 16mm film.
why. Because I feel the need to generate new insights from remote places, to trace and map out the missing pieces of what I feel is collectively lost in the practice of our everyday living.
My goal is to explore, record and research the comparisons within those customs of everyday life, in line with the cosmology and practice of the Kuna people, and enter the stories that lie on the fine line of Visible and Invisible.