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bitmap images

You probably have heard before that bitmap images are grids of pixels, where

  • resolution: the number of horizontal and vertical pixels. E.g. 1920x1080 is 1920 pixels wide and 1080 high
  • color depth: the number of bits used to indicate the color of a single pixel

for a good introduction to bit maps see: See Bourke, Paul. n.d. ‘A Beginners Guide to Bitmaps’. Accessed 2 January 2018.


Color depth - (use microscope)

  • 1-bit color (21 = 2 colors): monochrome, often black and white, compact Macintoshes, Atari ST.
  • 2-bit color (22 = 4 colors): CGA, gray-scale early NeXTstation, color Macintoshes, Atari ST.
  • 3-bit color (23 = 8 colors): many early home computers with TV displays, including the ZX Spectrum and BBC Micro
  • 4-bit color (24 = 16 colors): as used by EGA and by the least common denominator VGA standard at higher resolution, color Macintoshes, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC.
  • 5-bit color (25 = 32 colors): Original Amiga chipset
  • 6-bit color (26 = 64 colors): Original Amiga chipset
  • 8-bit color (28 = 256 colors): most early color Unix workstations, VGA at low resolution, Super VGA, color Macintoshes, Atari TT, Amiga AGA chipset, Falcon030, Acorn Archimedes.
  • 12-bit color (212 = 4096 colors): some Silicon Graphics systems, Color NeXTstation systems, and Amiga systems in HAM mode.
  • 8-bit color: A very limited but true direct color system, there are 3 bits (8 possible levels) for each of the R and G components, and the two remaining bits in the byte pixel to the B component (four levels), enabling 256 (8 × 8 × 4) different colors.
  • Grey scale (8-bit)
  • True color (24-bit): Usually, true color is defined to mean 256 shades of red, green, and blue, for a total of 224, or alternately 2563, or 16,777,216 color variations. The human eye can discriminate up to ten million colors


converting resolution

with Imagemagick

to 100px wide

convert myimage.jpg -resize 100x output.jpg 

to 100px hight

convert myimage.jpg -resize x100 output.jpg 

to 100x100px (image will loose its proportion; hence the "!" so imagemagick is sure that you wanna do that:)

convert myimage.jpg -resize 100x100! output.jpg 

converting color (bit depth)

convert an image into monochrome (1 bit depth) image: 2color values (b/w)

convert myimage.jpg -colorspace gray -depth 1 out.png

(2 bit depth) image: 4 color values

convert myimage.jpg -colorspace gray -depth 2 out.png

(3 bit depth) image: 8 color values

convert myimage.jpg -colorspace gray -depth 3 out.png

(4 bit depth) image: 16 color values

convert myimage.jpg -colorspace gray -depth 4 out.png

(8 bit depth) image: 256 color values

convert myimage.jpg -colorspace gray -depth 4 out.png

How can we be certain about this? How do can we see the grid that forms a bitmap image?

  • magnify any digital screen
  • a Plain-text bitmap: where you can read each pixel: X PixMap (XPM)

X PixMap (XPM) is a plain-text bitmap image format, where each color is assigned a character, which is mapped onto the text space.

convert myimage.jpg out.xpm

/* XPM */
static char *output[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"50 73 2 1 ",
"  c black",
". c white",
/* pixels */
"                                                  ",
"                                                  ",
"                                                  ",
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