DIY Camera

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Revision as of 15:45, 7 December 2017 by Lola (talk | contribs)

Camera Workshop

During the cameraworkshop I made a camera that takes pictures from two sides at the same time. Through two mirrors attached to the lens it takes an image from both a left and right angle, and with that double exposes the image on the film. Initially I had the idea of making both these images with a different color filter so you could see the images separately from each other if you looked through these filters. Also in the ideal world these two angles would be shot at the same time, but since my shutter didn’t work I had to manually expose each sides. In the end the pictures turned out quite okay.


I made this camera because I was interested in capturing a moment from two sides, what does it mean for the way we remember things if we don't have only 'one pov' picture. Also experimenting with the idea of making images that come closer to the way we remember.

Foto 1
Foto 4
Foto 5
Foto 6
Foto 7
Foto 10
