Memory On Stock

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Revision as of 14:17, 7 December 2017 by Lola (talk | contribs)

Memory on Stock

The starting point of this research is the future of generative memory. In this age we find ourselves more and more knowing where to find information instead of actually knowing the information.

Research revealed that people who made a photo of an object remember less of the actual object then people who were ‘just looking’. What does our connection and reliability on our technical devices mean for our memory?
Memory on Stock is an exploration about memory and authenticity. It's a video exploring a certain memory using appropriated images like stock-footage, found-footage and archive footage. It looks at the question what memory is worth if you don't own the images that come with it. How do the images change the meaning of the content. When does it stop being a personal memory and become a story? yg It’s in many forms a construction. The construction of a memory, the construction of a story. But it’s gonna be a voice over with found-footage (archive, stock-footage, screen-recordings.. Might be some shot footage in there as well). The images must feel as a construction for as the voiceover, person who’s narrating, will be shifting between different aspects of the story).

I started doing experiments with a personal story as captions (this would be VO) and images i got from the internet. The attached video is just a little visual experiment. (I made this quickly) password: memory

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User:Lola Lotte's - Directed Research