User:Kul/Projects are bad for me!
Eighteenth Project Outline
18 November 2050375826458789467430566054783063058746t57834307506026465566699887778900909908889209482984327357345743891732-7821-372-10XXVXXViii
"Tentative Title"
What do you want your first project to be?
Over the next few months I intend to develop an interactive "platform" ( a website seems to be the easiest solution, yet still unsatisfactory) where users would be able/obliged to engage in some party funny, partly absurd but mostly oppressive conversation with their devices. In order to reach this final stage of the project I am recently researching ideological and technical aspects of the suitable code creation. The nature of the code that I have in mind could be characterised by unbearably hesitant, unproductive, subjective and most probably alcoholic traits...or at least a quasi-marxist nature. All my intellectual effort is going to be conducted in order to investigate the idea of productivity and unproductivity in the context of western/ innovative/ neoliberal society. After Trebor Scholz, I wish to state that it is impossible to differentiate cleanly between nonproductive leisure activity existing within the sphere of play and productive activity existing within the field of the workplace. I am planning to approach this theme from various angles: economic, semiotic, moral and fatalistically existential.
How do you plan to make it?
In order to develop a double-meaning chatting system (productive at the surface but resistant underneath)I am planing to follow the conceptual schema mentioned below:
- Western neoliberal society= the Solitaire Card Games on your desktop
- Innovative society=squeezing the surplus form the trash, pop, and stupor
- Cognitive surplus=smoking but not inhaling
- Coercive laws of completion=the biggest chocolate cake on your Facebook wall
- Code= naturalisation and fragmentation of ideology
- Code = barriers of ideology
- Ideology= set of user-(un)friendly values
- Ideology= a military entertainment / PLAYBOR
- Playbor=fun factory for an intellectually unemployed, freed teddy bear
- Teddy bear=no-collar tiger!
- Technology= fantasy and terror of NON WORKING >Time management
- Moments=element$ of profit
- Code =ahistorical map of meaning
- Code =apparently transparent & neutral value generator
- Code=denial of death/negation of an animal spirit
- User=product=commodity = bearer of value
- User in motion=temporality of value
- Value = useful, wanted, desirable schizophrenia
- Symbolic x value = x passed in the process of user exchange
- x = a hot potato
- Symbolic zero value =empty floating signifier
- Communication=the release of prisoners (parole)
I want to play with the idea of (un)productivity due to some serious personal problems. I myself am sadly stricken with anxiety of participating in the value production system I do not quite understand.
Who can help and how?
All of the tutors seem to be quite competent, therefor I promise to book tutorials and ask members of staff questions related specifically to my project. I also promise to share knowledge with your peers.
What are you working on now?
Re-configuring my brain and composing some unholy algorithms
Relation to previous practice
In my previous (and present, I believe) art practice I investigate the mechanisms of regular communications that, under the pretense of functionality or entertainment, conceal the order of power created during the constitution of such mechanisms. I am particularly interested in the nonviolent mode of system's operation that slowly yet consistently makes collectively cultivated semantic structures unattainable and often discriminative for their own users. I am attracted to the idea that all, even these purely mundane or utilitarian pieces of communication might be understood as a code. I assume that all of these semantic structures betray the variety of activates, identities, and social realities we are woven into as regular users; they also carry significant traces of socio-political injunctions that had been dissolved among everyday usage of these codes.
Showing an awareness of a broader context