Experiments with Python
$ montage -background '#336699' -geometry +4+4 gif2.gif gif9.gif montage.gif
Resize, Crop, Montage:
$ mogrify -resize 100x100 030920-mushroom.jpg
$ convert mushroom100.jpg -crop 1x1 tile%04d.png
$ montage -background '#000000' -geometry +4+4 *.png montage.jpg
Decrease padding between tiles
$ montage -background '#000000' -geometry +1+1 *.png montage.jpg
Convert all the tiles of the 1x1 cropped image into a 1x1 gif
convert tile*.png slide.gif convert -delay 2 -dispose background -page +0+0 tile*.png slide.gif
Video of grid of 1x1 gifs created in Adobe Premier: [1] (skipe to 0:33)