Graduation Website Braindump

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

(I moved the updates to the discussion tab)


  • suggest to Simon that we ask template01 for the styling DONE
  • Tell Simon about application deadline extension
  • Figure out with template01 budget & give to Simon budget figure
  • Choose domain name


  • Move away from SMW
  • Create a hierarchy of categories: Work > Graduation work / Thematic Project /

Website Content

  • Media Design Presentation Text
  • Graduation works (current and past) - current year has to be + prominent
  • Graduation Program
  • Media Art taxonomy - Categories (Annet)

Website Design 26.03.2015

wiki: content & structures

  • In 2014 Graduation projects were given the Category:Grad_project
  • Before 2014 Graduation projects were given the Category:work
  • Some graduation work have incomplete an Form - E.g. No Thumbnail
  • works go back to 2004

A work should only be given a website page only if it has at least one image

wiki categories

    Graduation work
    ... 2013 / 2014 / 2015

Front End

Front-End elements:

  • index page
  • works' JSON dictionary
  • work pages

works' JSON dictionary

The strategy used to supply information about each work to the index page will be to:

  • query: Class:Graduation_work pages, where the graduation projects are documented
  • create JSON dictionary from information gathered from Class:Graduation_work pages, with keys: PageId, Description, Creator, Date(year), Thumbnail, Thumbnail_url, Website
  • Index page uses the info stored in JSON dictionary: maybe when the user hovers over the

work's image the work Title, Creator, Date(year) can appear.

About the JSON dictionary: each key corresponds to a work; the key is the wiki id of that work's page; each key has as value a dictionary containing Description, Creator, Date(year), Thumbnail, Website, Title;

index page

  • generated, with work thumbnail creating areas


Are pages necessary?

They can display more information (Extra) than what is on the template/JSON dictionary information. Including more images