annotated cut ups
(proces scripts here step 1-3)
As I was thinking to create an excercise of the semantic-web by working with film, i started to write annotations in a spreadsheat-file. There, I notated a starting and ending time, and described the actions of the characters and objects that are present in that shot. I wrote the descriptions in the form of so called 'triples'. A triple is a description used in markup-languages as RDF, which contains three elements:
triple = subject + predicate + object
example: Dave + is located in + main room
the first lines of the annotations:
00:00:00.00,00:00:07.00,space,is located in,between stars 00:00:07.00,00:01:08.00,spaceship,is located in,space,#,spaceflight,flying to,jupiter,#,spaceship,performs,spaceflight 00:01:08.00,00:01:19.00,spaceship,is located in,space 00:01:19.00,00:01:31.00,spaceship,is located in,space 00:01:31.00,00:01:47.00,dave,is located in,main room,,dave ,running at,main room,,main room ,is located in ,spaceship 00:01:47.00,00:01:56.00,other three astronauts,is located in,hybernation beds 00:01:56.00,00:02:23.00,dave,is located in,main room,,dave ,running at,main room 00:02:23.00,00:02:30.00,dave,is located in,main room,,dave ,running at,main room
After annotating the first 8 minutes of the Jupiter Mission (part of 2001, a Space Odyssey), i created a set of 28 clips containing all the shots in which a certain 'subject' is present. The following clips are videogrepped at the following terms:
undefined room
main room