Media Blight
Screen media
- image, 1024-1080 px (normal screen resolution)
- white circle enters image step by step, settles in center of image (spore of fungi)
- growth of circle, reprodution of circles
- circles cover grid (adaptation to control-environment), growth on artist's own initial punctums (decay of meaning)
- growth covers screen
- places of punctum supply enough nourishment to eat through layers of media, glitching through:
- the digital
- image program code (bitcode)
- operating system code (windows OS)
- lcd code (graphical code)
- the analog
- lcd pixels (dead pixels) (gradual reappropriation of fungi rhizomatic growth appears)
- lcd hardware
- screen cover
- image of room behind screen showing physical photobook
- image stops functioning (noise where fungi has reached image layer) (white noise)
- screen stops functioning (white noise image)