Science/ religion => social systems with similar questions and similar answers (listing)
Turning on
1962 harvard group of psychedelic research, IFIF, castalia foundation, League fro spiritual discovery, comparing lsd experiences with experiences of saints
Good friday miracle, thesis of Walter Pahnke, psychedelic subjects
Psychedelic experience => collapse of external structures, the awakening of the senses is the most basic aspect,
LSD can produce a religious high- what is the religious experience- questions(interdisciplinary)
the only hope is dope
different states (listing)
7 dialects of god (listing)
we only see what we are trained and predisposed to see, we don't know anything about the physiology of consciousness (Hayles), psych. subjects report experiences revelations in the basic questions
Renaissance artists- love as a dove
divine product- divine process
Dr. James E. Lieberman, "Psychochemicals as waepons" 1962, he thinks of it as misleading, lysergic acid, meskaline, psilokybin, "catastrofik irreversible damage"
psychiatrists see psych, symptoms, depression anxiety etc while others see a path to sanity hapiness and peace. perhaps is what you are trained to look for. albert hoffman who first synthesized lsd and psilocybin, alan watts, william james
like any product of advanced technology psyc. drugs can be used to manipulate, frighten , or benefit mankind.
be prepared
the tension between the flowing process and the fixed structure, Let go, pull back!.