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user profile

user profile info model


a collection of settings and metadata[n]

user profile is a visual display of personal data associated with a specific user, or a customized desktop environment. A profile refers therefore to the explicit digital representation of a person's identity. A user profile can also be considered as the computer representation of a user model. See also Online identity[wikipedia]

Your user profile is a collection of settings that make the computer look and work the way you want it to. It contains your settings for desktop backgrounds, screen savers, pointer preferences, sound settings, and other features. User profiles ensure that your personal preferences are used whenever you log on to Windows. A user profile is different from a user account, which you use to log on to Windows. Each user account has at least one user profile associated with it.[microsoft windows]

nickname-password-profile image




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as a linguistic construction that mediates what we think we are/how we present and understand ourselves

opposed to users account as a public expression of it.steve-this is imposed by protocols.

A user account is a collection of information that tells Windows which files and folders you can access, what changes you can make to the computer, and your personal preferences, such as your desktop background or screen saver. User accounts let you share a computer with several people, while having your own files and settings. Each person accesses his or her user account with a user name and password.[microsoft windows] User accounts often contain a public user profile, which contains basic information provided by the account's owner[wikipedia]

michael--profiles/=/fanpages/identities//MOZILLA PERSONA

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design model- database

user profiles in operating systems

user profiles in social networking facebook to register-name,fam name, date birth, email, man/woman, password

user profiles in web2.0 services sites

facebook for free

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wikipedia -user profile=

microsoft-user profile

Olia lialina lecture-What Was the User?= computers invisible--users to.term getting osbolete. educate users.users -developers.stallman said that in the worlds of free software this would exist,olia disagrees, some would be users again. user is beautiful n important word, no excused needed this word needs to stay, t show that they are people using the systems that other s designed, everybody sdoulh become a developer ideallyCornelia: think user as a consumer.for capitalist reason content is beeing locked,consumer protection then??the user is left without choice to the companies.politics should get involved.audience-comment: carefull with connecting user with barthes dead of author, and coauthor etcto distinguish them , coz barthes is more into intertextuality(f.e curating utube) but here is more about technology. audience-comment:prosumer/maker?someone said that missed this concepts in the discussion maybe user is going in the space of makerspaces?new way of interacting with technology is emerging,prosumer though is in the end a product of companies. the intelligent user-- the maker now,the user--the prosumer.olia--demand ambiguity

Olga g lecture- the user as producer of himself. of own individuality,and the user and producer of other, while the medium , the ecology is also produced,erosion between division user-producer000maybe it wasnt existing, as i produce and use myself,engagement of culture and art ecologys which via individuals and collectives become,position----cultures, aesthetics specificl understood, that work up subjectivity dealing with human condition. cognitive capitalism? subjectivity.generation of value/=/ generation of self. participation/=/ desire, the production of the subject enacts itself via aesthetic work. Individuation= continuous process, never full complete, oscalation between pre- and individual. (Simondon), mediation= the principle of individuation, mediation of relations, fluidity of subjectivity bauman etc. Guattari: ethicoaesthetics.Process of individuation-> singularisation. BATHIN 1927= a whole integral human beeing is the product of the aeshtetic creative...Plato phaidros+ a/b writting as on the most significant media that externilises speech and subjects it to different materiality, changes memory, truth and subjectivity. Computational turn-?aesthetic turn. Bauman= is the production of individuality that becomes the main avenue of living a life.

brenda laurel computers as theatre


Olia lialina and dragan es. Do you believe in users?in digital folklore reader=it seems that the computer s ultimate purpose is to become an invisible appliance, transparent interface and device denying any charakteristiks of its own. most computing power is used in an attempt to make people forget about folkore.THE PC MUST BE REGARDES AS A MEDIUM WITH A CULTURAL HISTORY SHAPED MORE BY ITS USERS AND LESS BY ITS INVENTORS ...when the computer became merely a machine for work ...the microsoft office a requirement ine life to know, the role of the computer users changed what we mean by user?_?-? TRON! 1982._ appreciation/glorious definition. One programm asks another: DO you believe in users?/ yes of course if i dont have a user who WROTE me? another scene- the account manager and the hacker are called USER by their programas. ten years later- the term was demoted to what the fathers of computer technology dubbed "Real Users" (those who pay attention to computers but not interested to learn about them) or "Naive Users", those who simply dont understand the deal with them then became to offer them a user friendly -user oriented playground where they could cause not real damage and could leave hackers alone .this is rather cynical view less and less able to see the value of their contributions > > no idea about computers > > cannt reflekt on the medium itself

Olia lialina-turing complete user lecture, The General Purpose User

Lev Manovich, How do you call a person who is interacting with digital media?

Don Norman, Words Matter. Talk About People: Not Customers, Not Consumers, Not Users

Dan Gillmore, we the media

Al. Ludovico and Paolo Cirio.facetofacebook:smiling in the eternal party=economic success of them rests on convincing users to connect to the several hundred people who await them online (so its like convicning them to become their USERS),market value-proportional to the number of users, open process without users control

a look in the google image search