User:Lucia Dossin/Protyping Lens Based/Kinect
This assignment consisted on using one of the two sample codes provided by the tutors as basis for a Kinect project. One of the code samples would play one of four video loops, according to the Z position of user. In other words, the video loops would change if user would be closer or more distant from the kinect. The second code sample checked the X user position and displayed a static image (which was part of a sequence), according to that position.
I mixed both concepts (and code) and made the code display a static image (from a sequence) while checking user's Z position. So, in a setting where there are say 50 images, when user is close to the Kinect, image 1 will be displayed. When user is distant from it, image 50 will be displayed (and all possibilities in between).
The code:
#used random language description, by the way
tra la la