User:Chen Junyu/Reading Writing Research Methodologies/Protocol & Net Delusion

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Film <Tron> (american middle-classyouth culture)程序拟人化,和程序员(骇客)的对谈。 The development of the personal computer,along with computer networks,has had a profound,stratified impact on the way in which social,political,and economic life is experience

Protocol consistently makes a case for a material understanding of technology.

Code is a set of procedures, actions, and practices, designed in particular ways to achieve particular ends in particular contexts. Code = praxis.

Protocol puts forth (发表.提出)an invitation, a challenge to us: You have not sufficiently understood power relationships in the control society unless you have understood“how it works” and “who it works for.”

The first has to do with how Protocol qualifies networks, the second point has to do with how Protocol understands the technical specs as political, and the last point looks toward possible future directions to be explored in the meeting of info-tech and biotech, info-politics and bio-politics.

1. Networks are real but abstract\ 2. Protocol,or political economy\ 3. Isomorphic 同构的 Biopolitics 生物政治学