Charles Cheung.Identity Construction and Self-Presentation on Personal Homepages: Emancipatory Potentials and Reality Constraints. The Cybercultures Reader (2nd ed.).Routledge, 2007 .
personal homepages posted on the web -websites of individuals , couples or families that post any info about themselves -use of web pages to tell personal stories (disabilities, kungfu maniacs, hobbies) -some seem to be created to display the strong personality and identity of the authors -some seem to be made more on self exploration than to display identity (online diaries..)
-many tell you little info about the author -many are listed in directories but not available criticism . web pages content reflect narcissism and exhibitionism of the users +content trivialisation in internet personal web page as a significant social phenomenon: 2 arguments
-personal webpages is an emancipatory media genre (+Galloway). users as active cultural producers expressing their suppressed identities or exploring “who i am” -- the emancipatory potentials of personal homepages are limited and often fully exploited people tell stories by making personal webpages but not in conditions of their own choosing.
this is me: the first emancipatory use of the personal home pages is strategic and elaborate self representation Goffman present identities in inappropriate social contexts
core problems in self representation in everyday life: -what selves we should present in a particular social setting --how well can we present it
The personal homepage can emancipate us from these 2.
-allows more strategic self representation than everyday interaction, potential audience worldwide, negative feedback-reactions less pressure, it can be ignored --since it allows individuals to have more control on impression management. The sign vehicle of Goffman are more subject to manipulation. [manipulate before , publish after]
p.h. promotes professional achievements in ways not possible in everyday life. and is valuable for those with bad face to face presentation skills and emancipatory for those whose identities are misunderstood or stigmatised, since they can reveal their identities. Mass media don't allow individuals to present themselves in their own terms. Ordinary people are presented in stereotypical ways. (Hooks, Silence to speech, 1989;9)
who am i: emancipatory because is a space for identity construction (for many people the sense of who i am is not obvious) uncertain identity multiple and contradictory identities (late modern society, range of choices, Giddens says this choices are substantial not marginal) identity diffusion disrupted lives. rapid, extensive change, sense of stable, identity is prone to discussion
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