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Free-as-in-beer-time TIRMESTER 02!!

General intro-outro-duction to the trimester:

Overall the trimester has been a less structured compared to last trimester mainly because of multiple holidays, Transmediale, and a confusion on the Media Object. Nevertheless I've focused on my own research, and opened up a lot of new doors programming-vise. Previous trimester I worked mainly on online-based experiments with JavaScript as the main programming language. This trimester I decided to take on new challanges briefly starting off with shell-scripting before going for Python. I've become facinated by all the posibilities that lies within a broader programming-language such as Python. It offers space to integrate a multitude of different libraries and languages within the same umbrella allowing an extremely specialized outcome. Below you'll find some of my initial experiments


Python and library-exploitation

Time has come to venture into the venomous inner of the snake. With the amour of last trimesters java-scripting and the latest shell-exploration this travel has yet been quite pleasant. Though syntax and commands differ from js in quite some ways, I'm managing (with aid from google/stackoverflow) to piece together larger scripts performing more complex tasks.

a) Image-finding-friend 19:42, 24 January 2013 (CET)

Currently I'm working on a tool which allows you to grap, save and preview all images present in a specific URL. I'm using a series of different python libraries to perform this action, most important in this edition:

  • pycurl: Provides the ability to transfer the structure of an URL - Fetch desired URL
  • Beautifulsoup: Makes it possible to search within an URL given to it from pycurl - find IMG-tags, and strip it so that only the image-link is left
  • Urllib2: Allows you to download the content of a link - download images passed from Beautifulsoup

Eventually I take 'imagemagick' in use to merge the downloaded images into what imagemagick calls a montage; a composition of all desired images.

My current script is probably very quirky written, can probably be shortened drastically, and only works most of the times. But HEY! It's still pretty fun.


Shell Scriptin'

The latest few weeks I've been playing around with shell-scripting. Though still operating in Mac OSX (to the concern of many.. i shall migrate eventually), i've managed to put together small experiments using and interfering with the operating-system in, in some cases, disturbing ways.

b) Open them images! 19:42, 24 January 2013 (CET)

A shell which allows it to open an array of images opening and closing each in a rapid loop. The picks are 'sorted' randomly and all the images are found in big fan-png-packages trough Justin Bieber meets the trolls of the internet.

a) Text Shuffle 19:42, 24 January 2013 (CET)

This will shuffle the contents of a text-file, while also try to read aloud the shuffled material in all the available 'speach-voices' of the default Mac OSX 10.6.7. Maybe a whole new form of poetry? MAC-A-POEM.