
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki


while (marlon = happy) {

menno = happy



First Trimester

Trimester Report

prototype for random torrent

can be dumped into a hmtm file as a test

touch test.html
python > test.html
# encoding: utf-8

# NEEDS to be chmod+x

import cgi #for the cgi
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import lxml.etree, os
from random import choice

#choose a fild from the xml folder
path = "/home/andre/Documents/PZI/torrent/xml/"
dir_files = os.listdir(path)
f = "xml/" + choice(dir_files)
#print 'file', f

doc = lxml.etree.parse(f)# parse the data
#print 'lxml obj', doc #print the lxml object
#print lxml.etree.tostring(doc)# print the whole content

nodes = doc.xpath("//torrent")

t_choice = choice(nodes)

t_info = [] 
for children in t_choice:
    p = children.text

#print t_info
#id t_info[0]

print "Content-type: text/html"
print "<html><head><title>RANDOM TORRENT</title></head><body><h3>ID: %s</h3><h3>TITLE: %s</h3><h3>MAGNET: %s</h3></body></html>" % (t_info[0], t_info[1], t_info[2])

Second Trimester

Thematic: Media–object

Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies

Trim I Project descriptions / Annotations / Poster

Trim II Cultural Hegemony