User:Marie Wocher/02.10.12

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

„Much has been said recently about the apparent expertise of children using electronic resources, and there are claims that young people are using the Internet more creatively and are becoming more proficient in their use than their teachers, that they tend in any case to be more proficient using information technologies than are their parents or teachers and that they are, in short, ‘technologically savvy’. Indeed, this is the popular perception of young people and information technology generally. But there is no evidence in the serious literature that young people are expert searchers, nor that the search skills of young people has improved with time.“


- education software

- learning process by using Computer/Internet

- What should you know

- What is common knowledge

- What kind of material children would prefer?

- Knowledgeexchange

- Platform for Knowledgre exchange

- How to organize Knowledge

- Organizing information

How do children / Young people use New Media?

- Internetexperience

- Internetbehaviour

- Which programs

- What are they interested in

- How do they use the internet

- Do Digital Media change cognitive skills?

Freedom and Fear

- Is the internet freedom or fear?

- Turned freedom and opportunities into fear?

- Do we need a new internet?

(Computer Games)


- Are children/ Young people interested in computing / technical aspect?

- Are we always interested in technology that effects our life?

Digital satisfaction

- What are childrens / Young peoples needs in real life and how are their needs satisfied in virtual life?

- Games

- Porn

- Love

- Crime

- Virtual Worlds – Having more Avatars / not being yourself / or are we going back to just have one personality again?

Real / Virtual Worlds

- What is the difference between real- and digital world?

- What means reality?

- Is it important to distinguish between real and digital?

- different identities – how to deal with it? What is real / What is fake? / Does it matter

- where is the border between lying and protection


"a seven-year-old boy refused to create a Club Penguin account because it asked for a parent’s e-mail address. “You can’t say anything about yourself on the web. If you do, people will figure out where you live and come to your house and steal your stuff.”

- what does it mean to not tell the truth on the internet?

- growing up with two identities

- Is lying legitimate

- What does lying / truth mean and how it is assessed?

Social Network Sites / Facebook

- virtual vs real relationships / is there no distinction anymore?

- emotional skills

- does Digital Media change ideal images?


- security concepts for children

- Do we need a second Internet?

Status symbols

- if everything is digital, how do we see what a person likes?

- we define ourselves of things we like/ dislike

- it disappears in real life and on the same time coming back in virtual life (like button)

- how do we define ourselves

Knowledge exchange

- how can knowledge exchange work?

- Wikipedia (strength and weaknesses)

Computing - Are children/ Young people interested in computing / technical aspect?

- Are we always interested in technology that effects our life?

- technical aspect – usability


- One Laptop per Child

- EU Kids Online II

- Kaiser Family Foundation(2010) Generation M2: Media in the lives of 8 to 18 year olds

- Berkmann Center for Internet&Society at Harvard University

- JIM 2010

- Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)


- Quizoola by Forced Entertainment

- Männerfragen (Zeitmagazin)

- Fischli&Weiss: Questions

- Erzähl mal Oma

- Protect me and Trust by Falk Richter & Anouk van Dijk


- Born Digital: Understanding the first generation of Digital Natives by John Palfrey and Urs Gasser

- Was ist was - Computer und Roboter

