User:Kim/Special Issue 26/Inspector Extensions
- website is not a sealed off, pure surface current web interfaces and focus on 'user experience' hide programmability of the system, to minimize and channel user interacting with it: creates the illusion that there is nothing behind (the user interface)
- Layers
- Visibility (transparency, permeability)
- Browsers (crucial, performative) role as interpreter
- inspection + making structure visible + contamination (on browser level) inspection also suggests looking at something that is initially hidden, its intimate and intruding at times
Metaphors / Analogies
- looking glass (ofc)
- what if inspection was less visual and more tactile ? (haptik – surface feel)
- they have a tactility to them: stickyness, maserung holz
- 'see trough' cameras or scans – let us look behind surfaces (like infra red, x ray or MRI scan (which makes head/ brain visible)) --> play with transparencies
- looking underneath (like flipping it on its back side)
- Topography emphasizes web as environment/ spacial, layers "is the study of the forms and features of land surfaces" -> extensions inspect websites on 'surface' level (Graphical interface) to extract information about underlying structure, environment and involved entities
contamination --> infectious interfaces --> malware [1] --> website extension ...
General Tasks
- look into browser API's (JavaScript can do more on browser level than on website level!)
- history API allows to see how many times you visited a website (--wear and tear of a website)
- read MDN Docs
- bring individual extensions together in a bundle
- interface that allows to navigate between 4 extensions
- what does this look like?
- What functions does it need?
- Extension Meta Info: Title(s), Icons ...
- interface that allows to navigate between 4 extensions
a websites HTML (example for html comments [2]) -- html works but only on some levels yet (not on comments in document head) + CSS + JS Comments visible through browser extension (in three columns)
- needs better html parsing (treewalker: [3] [4])
- append container only when there are comments? (or: add message no comments found)
- pop up buttons into checkmarks? radio buttons or toggles?
Website Age
This extension asks for the registration date of a websites Domain - and per year the website is old adds a border to every website element (while shrinking the inner content, growing outwards)
- find solution for Whois Api: at the moment it has restricted TLD support (see below) *
- rebuild extension so it also works on request (button) not automatically on every page visited
- refine functionality: maybe rings can build up one after another, maybe there is a way to not let it destroy the interface this much? should the age be displayed somewhere as number?
* is it possible to use a python script for that? specifically to connect .py with browser extension? apparently this works see [5] or [6] this later one recommends creating my own api with python script and call api inside you javascript file or writing Pyscript
Empty Elements
this extension comes in two steps:
- it allows to log all :empty html elements (with name and attributes) into the inspector console
- makes all empty elements visible in the websites interface and creates an inspector cursor which shows :empty elements name on hover
- styling
- how empty elements appear on the page (darker bg color to create empty as 'cut-outs') + console.logs + browser pop up
< head >
reveal meta, script and link tags in the head (or footer) of a website and hide original content
needs: visual appearance (?) styling other than low key techy dark mode
- this etherpad css url:
- styling idea: everything color bg (like comments, but focussed transparency)
I would like to have a way of publishing them other than (just) in the extension store -- could this be a printed zine that contains all the code annotated?