User:Kim/Special Issue 26/Inspector Extensions

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki



  • website is not a sealed off, pure surface current web interfaces and focus on 'user experience' hide programmability of the system, to minimize and channel user interacting with it: creates the illusion that there is nothing behind (the user interface)
  • Layers
  • Visibility (transparency, permeability)
  • Browsers (crucial, performative) role as interpreter
  • inspection + making structure visible + contamination (on browser level) inspection also suggests looking at something that is initially hidden, its intimate and intruding at times

Metaphors / Analogies

  • looking glass (ofc)
  • what if inspection was less visual and more tactile ?
    • they have a tactility to them: stickyness, maserung holz
    • 'see trough' cameras or scans – let us look behind surfaces (like infra red, x ray or MRI scan (which makes head/ brain visible)) --> play with transparencies
  • looking underneath (like flipping it on its back side)
  • Topography

contamination --> infectious interfaces --> malware [1] --> website extension ...

  • how do the individual extension come together in a bundle? what does the interface for it look like?


  • look into browser API's (JavaScript can do more on browser level than on website level!)
    • history API allows to see how many times you visited a website (--wear and tear of a website)
  • read MDN Docs



a websites
+ HTML (example for html comments [2]) -- html works but only on some levels yet (not on comments in document head)
+ JS
Comments visible through browser extension (in three columns)

  • append container only when there are comments? (or: add message no comments found)
  • needs better html parsing (treewalker: [3] [4])
  • pop up buttons into checkmarks? radio buttons or toggles?

Website Age

still struggling with the Whois API (restricted TLD support) -- is it possible to use a phython script for that? specifically to connect .py with browser extention? apparently this works see [5] or [6] this later one recommends creating my own api with python script and call api inside you javascript file or writing Pyscript

Empty Elements

logging all :empty html elements into the console (eventl have multiple steps and make them visible in interface and then also inspectable in interface, animate how they appear...)

to do:

  • styling
    • how empty elements appear on the page (darker rn bg color to create empty as 'cut-outs')
    • styling the console.logs
    • styling browser pop up

< head >

reveal meta, script and link tags in the head (or footer) of a website and hide original content
needs: visual appearance (?) styling other than low key techy dark mode


I would like to have a way of publishing them other than (just) in the extension store -- could this be a printed zine that contains all the code annotated?