Week 11 Audio

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Verbal sound snippets

From interview recording

Imina giving intro

intro to press1

intro to urban small talk

intro to lost in narration

intro to sounds of marmalade

intro to tracing network backwards

press 1 for

imina " I have one more question. "

martina "Oh, there's a secret number

Imina "I think people know that we have been doing radio shows in the mornings"

feline "leave your experience, record your own"

martina "It’s for you to discover if you look very closely"

martina "Sevgi and Fred are dressed in their overalls"

martina "They are used for artistic purposes."follow by laughter

martina "They are used for artistic purposes."follow by laughter

martina "You need to come here at Ubik from 3-8

martina "Very important to interact with the bureaucratic review committee thank you"

urban small talk

imina "What kind of sounds did you collect?"

eleni "Like the sounds that we don't pay attention to like field recordings"

eleni "we had this idea of treating Rotardam like a character"

eleni "some people talking some like from some events some Walks are on the city the rain"

eleni talks about small talks

lost in narration

imina "claudio?claudio!"

imina "Okay, this sounds complicated. So I try to understand it"

kiara "we're doing radio"

kiara "because it's about radio and we're doing radio and I don't know Python"

kiara "we have a bunch of thermal printers, so it's really nice"

claudio "So it's kind of, it's kind of difficult to explain"

kiara "if they don't want to keep them, we will archive them"

claudio "I think nobody knew we would end up with this"

kiara " I feel like we didn't know shit about what we were doing, but just going for it"

imina "it sounds like the core of experimental publishing"

kiara "you should talk to Alexandria about it"

sounds of marmalade

charlie "experiment, play around"

charlie explains tupper string sounding like a shitty guitar

charlie "none of us are really musicians"

charlie "we really liked it"

charlie "marmalade, cookbook, cooking, making stuff"

charlie "stealing the idea from Joseph, our teacher"

feline "It also looks very cozy here in the space"

charlie explains jam and marmalade

tracing network backwards

Room ambience

Room noise with jam session background 1

Room noise jam session background 2

Room noise jam session background 3

Room noise - quiet

Room noise Lost in Narration background 1

Room noise Lost in Narration background 2

Room noise Lost in Narration background 3

Room noise - all put together