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Currently reading (Kiara)


La Maison des Feuilles (House of Leaves)

Mark Z. Danielewski
Monsieur Toussaint Louverture éd., 2023 (first published in 2000)
736 pages
Originally written in English, available in French
Genre: Novel, Metafiction

Summary: The novel begins with the introduction of Johnny Truant, a young man who discovers a manuscript written by a deceased elderly man named Zampanò. The manuscript, titled “The Navidson Record”, recounts the experiences of the Navidson family, who move into a seemingly ordinary house that starts to exhibit bizarre and supernatural phenomena. As they explore the house’s mysteries, they uncover a seemingly endless and constantly changing labyrinth within its walls. (source)

Additional info:

  • Trigger warnings: unconventional writing and layout (mindfucking, see pictures), mention of dementia, (sexual) assault, death
  • There is a person who developed a Doom II mod in 2022 to depict the house, its maze and organic structure, the video is 1h42 of pure madness and amazement. If the book seems too much, I definitely recommend this video (TW: closed spaces, fire, dark spaces -- there is a disclaimer at the beginning of the video)

#thriller #mystery #triggering #terrifying

To read soon (Kiara)

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À la poursuite du livre rêvé par Jean Giono & Maximilien Vox

Nicole Chosson, Maurice Darmon, Jean Garcia, Jean Giono, Frédéric Martin, Jacques Mény, Pierre Mréjen, Olivier Nineuil, Paule Palacios-Dalens, Alice Savoie, Emmanuël Souchier, Nicolas Taffin, Yoann Thommerel, Martin Violette, Maximilien Vox Centre Jean Giono & Les Rencontres de Lure, 2021
238 pages
French only
Genre: Archive, Research

Summary (in french obv): En 1954, l'écrivain Jean Giono et le typographe et éditeur Maximilien Vox rêvaient de fusionner toutes les potentialités expressives de la littérature et de la typographie dans un livre dont le titre aurait été Mort de Gutenberg.
Aujourd'hui les pistes de recherche ouvertes par ce projet non abouti, devenu texte d'archive, se prolongent à travers la parole de chercheurs, d'auteurs, de créateurs de caractères et d'éditeurs.
Qu'est-ce que l'image d'un texte ? Quelle est la place de la lettre dans le processus de lecture ? Quelle part revient à la création graphique en littérature ? Le numérique permet-il d'autres formes de collaborations créatives ?
Un livre qui en éclaire un autre. Un livre qui s'adresse tant aux amateurs de littérature qu'aux professionnels de l'édition. Un livre qui s'attache aux possibles de la typographie dans le champ littéraire.

#graphicDesign #typography #fonts

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Copy this book

Author·s: Eric Schrijver
Published by: Onomatopee, 2018
Pages: 192
Language·s: English, French (maybe more...)
Genre: Guide

Summary: This book is an artist’s guide to copyright, written for makers. Both practical and critical, this book will guide you through the concepts underlying copyright and how they apply in your practice.
How do you get copyright? For what work? And for how long? How does copyright move across mediums, and how can you go about integrating the work of others? Because they get copyright too!
Copy this Book will detail the concepts of authorship and original creation that underlie our legal system. This way, it will equip you with the conceptual keys to participate in the debate on intellectual property today. (source)

#copyright #F/LOSS #art #design