User:Sevgi/Special Issue 25

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Week 1 09-13 Sept


Week 2 16-20 Sept

Field recording from Goynuk Kanyonu

Doga harikası Goynuk Kanyonu!




Youtube link to Fanny Dog


  • Recording - Yes
  • Meta - Yes
  • Memory - Yes
  • Song - Yes

Ashkim Hours #4

Input for the Reader

Content for the Reader: The Zottarella

En B Zottarella Ball PS Basilikum 01.png

Links from Steve's class: Fabulous Loop de Loop

  • 18.09 @ Amare Den Haag Nieuwe Kerk > Bach & Beyond - SoundWave Collective en Geerten van de Wetering

Amare Concert Recordings

I heard panfluit being played at this concert and it was mesmerising, the notation included different sounds made with the roof of the mouth as well as the notes.

  • Research Catalogue of the Royal Conservatoire : [1]


Panfluit notation example
Panfluit notation example

[flute source]

Protocols from Steve's Class

Week 3 23-27 Sept

Radio Show #1 23.09.2024

Notes on sounds:

  • sevgi'
    map - Antalya, Turkey / bird sounds, nature, morning, dreamy
    memory - Heaven
    song - Fanny Dog - a lil funky, about Fanny the dog, 'knows what her name is'
  • alexandria
    map - IJmuiden, Netherlands / industrial, road, car, exhaust, smoke
    memory - Warhammer, google maps, bike ride, bike partner, games, gamecube, kanker, cancer,
    song - Uskallan · Paavoharju - folk, Turku, yoresel, local, lo-fi, - pop-rock
  • fred
    map - Glasgow, Scotland - station , pre-recorded message, ACCENT, 'next train
    memory - high pitch, Brexit, automated passport scanners, nationalism, pride of [...], home, na/belonging
    song - Rich (Homeless), Thanksgiving - dreamy, lo-fi, humming, tiny little mouse, cute
  • eleni
    map - Athens, Greece - station, metro, inside the cart,
    memory - native language (greek)
    song - Sweet Life - Frank Ocean, rnb
  • feline
    map - Kiel, Germany - seagulls, harbor, seaside, conversation, shore, water
    memory - x
    song - Otis Redding - Sitting on the dock of the bay
  • chrissy
    map - Kassel, Germany - drum circle? dreamy, laundry, drops, water, toilet, plumbing,
    memory - native language (German), Corona, summer, auepark, paths, mapping
    song - Smokies · Barefoot Jerry - 60s, happy, beatles In The Summertime · Mungo Jerry - hit, 60s, happy, easy
  • charlie
  • map - Luxembourg / church bells, square, town
    memory - echo, nostalgic, church bells, traffic, noise, comforting, home, ding dong
    song - x
  • kim
    map - Brandenburg, Germany - night, bugs, nature, fresh air, songs in the distance, comforting (to me), sleepy
    memory - childhood, home, summer, roadtrip, smell, forest, water, family
    song - brandenburg rainald Grebe, Live, piano, 2000s, gag
  • kiara
    map - Toulouse, France - traffic, birds, wind, metro station
    memory - native language(French), childhood
    song Le Premier jour du reste de ta vie- 90s dreamy, keyboard, nostalgic French, I hate this one, glimmer bytes
  • zuhui
    map - Seoul, South Korea - bells, temple, crackle, talking,
    memory - childhood, birthday, spring
    song - Ganadaramabasa 70s, spring, guitar, dreamy, kinda amazing, 10/10 Clap! Clap! - "Kuj Yato - bells, ding dong, police siren, 10/10, absolutely slaps, so good, folk, yoresel,
  • Joe Hisaishi - Summer, summer, spring, happy, instrumental, piano,
  • melisa
    map - Damascus, Syria - road, cars, traffic, busy, phone ring, horns horns horns, war zone
    memory - No permish
    song - Saalouny El Nas - kivir salla habibi, 10/10 love this one
  • claudio
    map - Castellanza, Italy - static, water, shore, subtle, beautiful?
  • memory - native language (Italian)
    song Permanent Vacation - Hendiadyoin - ambient, cool, piano, ok
  • Tessa
    map - Lausanne, Switzerland - bells, square, talking, ambulance, lullaby, children, puppet show, weronik
    memory - native language (french)
    song - Jesper Munk – Shakespeare & Heartbreak - 2012
  • imre
    map - Istanbul, Turkey - istiklal, street, talking, saz, street musician,
    song Üsküdar'a gider iken
  • martina
    map - Had Dingli, Malta - beat, street, quarry, digging, machinery, automation,
    memory - native language (maltese)
    song dreams Kelsey lu - violin, intro almost bell like, high pitch, instrumental, eerie, echo,
  • wyn
    map - Hongkong, China - beeping, beat, traffic, metro?, station,
    memory - native language(Chinese)
    song - made with the beeping from the station <3, beat, echo, 43 mins
  • imina
    map - Las Vegas Strip, NV, USA - casino, britney, cash machine,
    memory money, family,
  • memory 2- radio?
    song beautiful dirty, rich - lady gaga/ iconic

Radio Show Notation

Map radio.png

Protocols for Building Meaning from Lidia's Class

Week 4 30-04 Oct

Search Engine

    Michael's secret notes:



collaboration with [](



though seems not still automatically pushing to


If you click on [field recording](

Note the URL (can unpack it).

Try [advanced search](

Read end of page, note that it uses [Lucene search syntax](

example from advanced form, adding subject:"field recording" with fields title, year, and subject.

selected HTML table as output format.


let's add more fields


In the identifier is important ... it's the key to getting more information about an item (and the URL to do so with).

NB: Subject seems to have a list of multiple possible values...

How to list multiple values / in combination?



"aporee_54679_62534" => <>



(NEED: either ability to run local server, or to edit comfortably directly on cereal box)

NB submit changes (local) URL but does nothing... we need to add


to form

   tidy -w0 -m archive_radio.html

   tidy -i -w0 -m archive_radio.html

With FORMS, you may need to SHIFT-RELOAD (Firefox) to make sure that form values (like selected on an option) are refreshed to their saved values. (It's a feature that a form is "sticky" when you are working on one, so it prefers the values the user has set in the browser).

input type="checkbox"

just one should be *checked*

set mediatype to audio.


   subject:"field recording" AND subject:"city" AND mediatype:"audio"


In terms of form operation, only the name and value and attributes like checked or selected are significant.

HIDE THE FIELDS, replace with multiple:

<input type="hidden" name="fl[]" value="">

NB: the *name attribute* is fl followed by square brackets. There is not special meaning of the square brackets as far as HTML is concerned. However, it's a convention that the designers of have followed as a reminder that the field values with name "fl" are multiple, [] being associated with lists in several languages (like javascript and python). Even if you just have one value, the name needs to stay "fl[]".

Single item:






Note that the metadata for an item never contains the information of the actual (multiple) files. Sounds in typically have multiple versions of the same audio in different formats. An item (like a CD) might also have multiple different sound files (the different tracks of an album). Posts from apogee tend to have just the one audio source in multiple formats.

CLICK ON THE IDENTIFIER to see the "item" page...

Find the "raw audio url" of the audio that plays from you could look at the network inspector when you play the file... or (simpler in this case because the files are downloadable), check out the download interface.



> All metadata for items are stored in <identifier>_meta.xml and <identifier>_files.xml. The meta.xml file contains all of the item-level metadata for an item (e.g. title, description, creator, etc.). The files.xml file contains all of the file-level metadata (e.g. track title, checksums, etc.). While these two files are the canonical sources of metadata for items, most users will interact with an item’s metadata via the metadata API. For example, nasa_meta.xml correlates to /metadata/nasa/metadata and nasa_files.xml to /metadata/nasa/files.



actually this was confusing....



LOOK at the results...


<!DOCTYPE html>







   let id = "reed-warbler";


       .then(resp => resp.json())

       .then(data => {

           console.log("data", data);






Find the RAW audio URL from before...

You need to construct this url from the information you get from the metadata. (The metadata doesn't have the full file urls, but all the information you need is there (hint, look for the "dir").


let id = "reed-warbler";


   .then(resp => resp.json())

   .then(data => {

       console.log("data", data);

       let mp3 = data.files.filter(d => d.format == "VBR MP3");

       console.log("mp3", mp3);

       let mp3_url = `https://${data.d1}${data.dir}/${encodeURI(mp3[0].name)}`;

       console.log("mp3_url", mp3_url);



to do custom search page > audio selection audio selection > audio for the browser synth audio browser synth + soundboard.html > play


Fred told me about this page

We made this looping collective performative structure :

This is what I made on Graphviz


This is what we made together with Martina, Fred and Eleni --------------------------------->

Week 5 07-12 Oct

Issue! Assignment

Michael's Assignment is not going well however I have been looking at other sources of audio, even though I know it would lead me nowhere.

audio collections from

Also a nice coincidence The BBC sound effects archive just opened up to public use(? ) and is also up for grabs if you want to use it commercially.

As I looked more into the search engine here is what I don't know what to do with:

I find it interesting that there is a 'rights' tab where you can sort the results according to the 'rights' defined by the contributor. However, these rights are usually stories about how the media is gathered which is really interesting and fun but useless when it comes to actual information. On one instance I found the email of the contributor(of a documentary) on the rights section, which was the original director of the documentary itself.

I found


is a common licensing type when it comes to wiki related articles which is defined by the Creative Commons as:

This license enables reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. The license allows for commercial use. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms. CC BY-SA includes the following elements:

BY: credit must be given to the creator.

SA: Adaptations must be shared under the same terms.

Here is the link to the page

It also made me think of this book I used to have and lent to a friend, it was about creative licenses. I found it in a second hand book store in Vienna. I picked it up because a research centre in Istanbul was one of the contributors. Naturally I went looking for it online. It turns out this research centre has a database as well and it works very similar to's advanced search function: [3]