Aitana's reading list
- Las hijas de Lilith - Erika Bornay
- The power of cute - Simon May
- Es posible vivir en un mundo sin violencia? - Chantal Maillard (reading)
- Separate and dominate - Christine Delphy (almost done)
- La disimetria - Roger Callois (reading)
- The burden of representation - John Tagg (Reading group with Steve)
- Duty Free Art - Hito Steyerl (Reading group with Steve)
- Decoloniality and aesthetics (Vistas of Modernity) - Rolando Vazquez
- Borders and ghosts: migratory hauntings in contemporary visual cultures - Nermin Saybasili
- Visual pleasure and narrative cinema - Laura Mulvey
- Ojos y capital - Remedios Zafra
- Arqueologia de los medios - varios autores