Semester 4

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

chae's research log for semester 4

Short Cuts

week 1 (12 Sept - 16 Sep)

intro / moving
I am obsessed with our new studio set-up

S/S: Embroidery

I could watch the embroidery machine for hours. Super funny movement.


Now I get it!!!!
What XPUB is!!!
Infrastructour <--- click this

Workshop: hosted by Nor

note-taking as an act of caring

Reading is fundamental

Finish reading: Parable of the Sawer

week 2 (19 Sept - 23 Sept)

Prototyping: context and overview

Michael showed us how our second year will unfold + SHOW and TELL

Lots of cool thesis and GRAD projects!!!!!
Nice objects

breakfast club #1 (21-09-2022)

This week menu: Coffee, Yoghurt and more... Catch up and MFAD/GRS-mind-Prep
Every Wednesday, 9:30 - 11:00, @xpub studio near the sink
Keywords: 8 am is when everyone moves!-a little girl singing out loud-scramble egg as the best breakfast-many have joined the first breakfast club

GRS #1: intro and get-to-know

Reading is fundamental

Finish reading: Making Matters ===> Full of nice examples

Workshop: @Varia, Read and Repair

week 3 (26 Sept - 30th Sept)

prototyping: M&Ms (Emm | chae) / Server 101

Mapping workshop, the invitation was to arrange-organize-map pictures that chae have been taken or collected.gif

M&Ms - recurring image

Recurring Images Log #1: reflection
  1. I do not really care for squares
  2. Maybe it is not meant to be shown --> Then try to write the images
  3. Observe how these images recur and how I use and combine these images
  4. Making postcards is the perfect surface to hold these images
  5. (from Joke Robaard) => Really agree with this statement
  6. The nicest thing was that I revisited half of the pictures while preparing for the M&M session
  7. Surprisingly not many consider taking pictures as part of their practice => interview friends who do take a lot of pictures (홍떰, 가영언니, 주영 ...)
  8. Maybe I want to organize these images


Group Tutorial: server 101

I recorded the screen, so check the recorded and the pad

<form> tag log #1

The HTML form tag is required when you want to collect information that visitors provide. For example, you may want to collect specific data from visitors, such as name, email address, and password.
(from this website)

Collect. Provide. 모두 목적어 대상을 필요로 해. 무언가를 수집하고, 무엇가를 제공하고. 그 무엇이 무엇인가?

A form is essentially a container for inputs. 
form_attributes-html-forms.PNG *The action attribute points to the back-end of our web page, which handles the form submission *The method attribute is used to upload the data. The most commonly used attributes are the GET and POST methods

breakfast club #2 (28-09-2022)

This week's menu: Coffee and free-style eggs
Every Wednesday, 9:30 - 11:00, @xpub studio near the sink
Keywords: yoga-streeeeeetch-sneaky-smuggle-marble-egg-zen_pomegranate-desire_for_more_self-hosted_workshops-guest_lecturer_as_public_event_#4


Reading is fundamental

Finish reading Fragility: To Touch and Be Touched ===> Super nice book, very very nice illustrations
Continue reading Dictee ===> Super nice and sad and empowering

GRS #2: 1st hackpact | first first graduation project draft

S/S: Knitting Machine

Keywords: punchcard => maybe this could be a lead to the telephone tree/hiccup?

BB with GG

I went to the Book Binding(BB) station(?) at Rietveld Academie to see GG and make a new notebook for the semester!

Keywords: new book (World of Interiors by Aurelia Guo and A Jornal of the plague year by parasite) - San Serif - spring binding - 🐛 - carmen - leaving a space that you can grip - 3d printed opensource knife - a 10cm ruler business card - two more books (hypergraphy and one thesis, both books from GG)

week 4 (3 Oct - 7 Oct)

dinner with Kim, again brainstorming and supporting kim's idea

Individual session with Michael

some references and highlights:

  • [city script], the website is broken, yet it's super funny. Observational photo,
  • form art by Alexei Shulgin
  • the complexity of categories
  • you learn through the system, you shape the system but also system shape you

<form>tag log #2

a screenshot of jupyternote book and the html browser. In the code, I used <form>tag, <label>tag, <input>tag, <field>set
played with fieldset that creates border/line around the form tag
I realize that you have many different input types, such as date. You can also set min and max. I set min and max 1982-11-05 so that when the user click the date, it is automatically set to 1982-11-05. The day Theresa Hakkyung Cha was murdered..
I realize that you have many different input types, such as date. You can also set min and max. I set min and max 1982-11-05 so that when the user click the date, it is automatically set to 1982-11-05. The day Theresa Hakkyung Cha was murdered..

Workshop: with BB and Clara

S/S: Turning wheel with grgr

It's quite hard. Totally new muscle!!!! It might take some time to be comfortable with it. Letting things go but at the same time, putting a little bit of force. Balancing between those: be steady and supportive - push and form<gr> Just ordered an underglaze pencil!

Useful links

SVG Animation Log #1

My attempt was to...

  1. push the button or slider
  2. the drawing will change into one another: 1(chick) -> 2(mamang) -> 3(pommbear) and then 1 again.

But I realized that it is actually super difficult to do so, since I have 500 points. A lot of frustration and a moment of reality check that I need many small steps to take to achieve this...


CMS() Project: with Nami, documentation

Here are some rules that we agreed on:

  1. approach it as comic strips, all the main images are illustrations, clumsy drawing
  2. humble font, humble aesthetic, light web
  3. make different stickers and have fun with different CSS, HTML tags(ex. when you hover over pongie's mouth, the sound of pongie explaining the concept of buchimgae publication, starts to play)
  4. later, use page.js to make a comic strip
  5. since it's workshop series, every chapter starts with clear instructions on the workshop activities
  6. the focus of the documentation is on sharing the process not the results. So approach it as a log/diary.

Recurring Images Log #2: phonecall with Hyein a.k.a. thumb

updated the pad:

keywords: food pictures - texture - thoughts and intentions that triggered to take pictures - text with an intention to capture floating thoughts - saving the same picture, like if your fridge is super disorganized you ended up buying the same vegetables that you already have - Instagram - how Instagram shaped our way of using the camera - different accounts archiving specific stuff (ex. energy drinks on the street, one glove on the street, chewing gums on the street etc)

Lunch with grgr, and work on Crunchy Research

With grgr, we cooked chicken with rice, ginger, garlic and two small yet very spicy chilly peppers in a pressure cooker. IT WAS AMAZING. Very comforting, perfect for cold weather like these days. Since the weather was super fresh and sunny, after this VERY satisfying lunch, we went for a walk. Encountered very strange yet alarming ppl (hint: museum, unintentional, art, dressed up). Had two gluten-free cakes(?). Two espressos. Brainstormed. Very nice conversations.

notes of discussion on the future of crunchy project

CMS() Project: with Nami, documentation, setting up GIT

week 5 (10 Oct - 14 Oct)

prototyping: M&Ms (jamming) / Arduino 101

My phone as an instrument

Deep Listening

Arduino 101 #1

need to make notes

breakfast club #3 (12-10-2022)

This week's menu: Coffee and tosti
Every Wednesday, 9:30 - 11:00, @xpub studio near the sink
Keywords: grgr was sick :-( - singing and chanting kids on the way - fresh bread on my way to the studio - some failed experiments - some cheese and baked beet root on the table - recording sounds of crunchiness - discuss on GRS draft

grgr was sick :-( - singing and chanting kids on the way - fresh bread on my way to the studio - some failed experiments - some cheese and baked beet root on the table - recording sounds of crunchiness - discuss on GRS draft
grgr was sick :-( - singing and chanting kids on the way - fresh bread on my way to the studio - some failed experiments - some cheese and baked beet root on the table - recording sounds of crunchiness - discuss on GRS draft

Workshop with page.js

Ⓕ These words/concepts

  1. cascading
  2. responsive
  3. booksprint
  4. flux -> pagination
  5. polyfill
  6. open-source
  7. Coko
  8. CMS
  9. markdown
  10. css print



need to finish the draft

CMS() Project: with Nami, documentation, re-setting the GIT log

BIG THANKS to Michael. Got many useful tips. Still tricky to use git but feel I'm becoming more prepared.


Start feeling sick, time to rest.

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Continue reading...

  1. Dictee
  2. Worlds of Interior
  3. Dark Room

week 6 (17 Oct - 21 Oct)

Leezaal Public event

Crunchy Research with Erica grgr

CMS() Project: with Nami, documentation

week 7 (24 Oct - 28 Oct)

still in Sardinia (*´∇`*)

Crunchy Research with Erica grgr

CMS() Project: with Nami, documentation

week 8 (31 Oct - 4 Nov)

breakfast club #4 (02-11-2022)

This week's menu: coffee, yoghurt and homemade granola
Every Wednesday, 9:30 - 11:00, @xpub studio near the sink
Keywords: Sardinian Bread - kim reading book, On Life in the Kitchen Balancing a Job and a Side Job - Boyana's super crunchy super nice homemade granola (gluten free) - left early due to the appointment at Den Hague

Sardinian Bread - kim reading book, On Life in the Kitchen Balancing a Job and a Side Job - Boyana's super crunchy super nice homemade granola (gluten free) - left early due to the appointment at Den Hague
Sardinian Bread - kim reading book, On Life in the Kitchen Balancing a Job and a Side Job - Boyana's super crunchy super nice homemade granola (gluten free) - left early due to the appointment at Den Hague


CMS() Project: Workshop @Zine Camp with Nami

chatty, messy, sticky, tsss... Printed a booklet with Nami

It was dramatic, but with Nami, we managed to print out our first booklets! Super cute!

chatty, messy, sticky, huuup!!!


week 9 (7 Nov - 11 Nov)

Prototyping: trying out the elegant decision making method / whispering / group tutorial

Group tutorial with Manetta

breakfast club #5 (09-11-2022)

This week's menu: eggs with onion and cheese, cherry tomatos and dried bread from Italy
Every Wednesday, 9:30 - 11:00, @xpub studio near the sink
Keywords: Reading the random chapter from the book, Language by Xiaolu Guo - cooking scrambled eggs - checking in how SI19 is going

Reading the random chapter from the book, Language by Xiaolu Guo - cooking scrambled eggs - checking in how SI19 is going
Reading the random chapter from the book, Language by Xiaolu Guo - cooking scrambled eggs - checking in how SI19 is going

writing exercises with Kim

Now I have keywords!

vulnerable private personal unspeakable intimate publishing sharing playing-with-setups-materials physical-digital disarming-ㅠㅡㅠ everydaylife
11 keywords (vulnerable private personal unspeakable intimate publishing sharing playing-with-setups-materials physical-digital disarming-ㅠㅡㅠ everydaylife)

Cabinet of interesting stuffs

week 10 (14 Nov - 18 Nov)

prototyping, announcement for 2nd public moment and media wiki

breakfast club #6 (16-11-2022)

keywords: buckwheat(?) flour pancake(!!!!thank you Michael), pancake drawing, super cute

two due-dates

1) graduate proposal:
2) thesis outline:

week 11 (21 Nov - 25 Nov)

prototyping, individual tutorial with Josepe

flask svg and flask

meeting for Crunchiness with grgr

I have a new FANCY passport. After picking up my passport, I went to grgr's place. We had good food, planned a bit for what to do for Crunchy Research.

breakfast club #7

Keywords: ongoing conflicts between desire --- actual execution. Everything needs certain amount of time, care and headspace(여유)

Station Skill, metaaaaaal

everything was collapsing but it's always nice to keep your hands busy!

I HAVE A NEW LAPTOP!!!!!!! ( 」゚Д゚」

While installing and decorating my /Desktop environment, I imagined a desktop as a space where ppl can make a dedicated folder but with custom-made drawings or photos and some notes or page which is a story. So when you submit the story, it will create a folder with a drawing as an icon. Something like this.



quite ill, time to rest.

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week 12 (28 Nov - 2 Dec)

Het Bollenpandje: Lost Stories


Super nice. It went well. Collected a lot of cute, heart-warming lost stories T^T

Cabinet for interesting stuff

breakfast club #8 (30-11-2022)

groovy mood-cleaning-and-cleaning-and-cleaning-checking in-sauce drawing
groovy mood-cleaning-and-cleaning-and-cleaning-checking in-sauce drawing

week 13 (5 Dec - 9 Dec)

thesis first chapter draft deadline

Individual Tutorial with Natasha

upload / update wiki and pdf in wdka page / everything 8th Dec

week 14 (12 Dec - 16 Dec)

Winter break

 Art by lgbeard. (Thank you lgbeard!)
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