How do We Library That???
ή πως το ουσιαστικό μετατρέπεται σε ρήμα/σε ενέργεια? What is a Library?/ How someboby libraries? the library is a place, a storage, a sphere, politics, relations, power, authority, containt, data, archive, history? But which history? How many histories exist?
Library Tour
Making Cards the first cards
----> talking notes | notes talking
Boyana, Suzan and Aglaia started their tour by visiting the Central Library of Rotterdam on Friday. They went to the third floor to search for some inernational books. Wandering around at the english section Suzan picked the book Queer: LGBTQ writing from Ancient Times to yesterday edited by Grank Wynne. She started leafing through when suddenly came across a notes' discussion-a small square piece of paper:
- -Good choice!
- -I very much agree!
A small conversation between two readers. A non-time and non-site conversation. The book becomes the reference point - reinvents the time and the space of this relation-constitutes a small universe.
sensorship / lybraille-e
see also: digitizing/printing, being kind to the reader, republishing
see also: censorship, including/excluding
All reading is a form of touching, and the act creates a connection between the reader and the text. Some texts encourage reading from certain readers (such as those typeset in braille), while some attempt to be universally accessible (such as those using OCR-A and OCR-B fonts).
Apparently the title "The Medium is the Massage" was in fact a typo after being sent to the typesetter, but McLuhan liked it so much that it was kept. Massage and also Mass Age alongside the original Message and Mess Age suggest multiple ways of approaching the text.
Maybe the text can go: Do libraries only serve certain alphabets?
Also if it is proving hard to get the braille effect you could just take the single word of the heading