Tutorials 2021-22
31.01.2022 - David Haines
- Blake 7 bbc sci fi 80s
- many signals coming together
- not making the link of fossils
- interesting to think of other ways of seeing
- the directness of the language - so powerful, so many connotations - hard to disassociate from the orignal context - so strong dominant
- certain langauges are so loaded its a battle to displace it from the context
- awful lot of information - layered and complex
- artist Constant Dullart - giftshop, airport lounge, GAN imagery
- trying to interpret - two i's - the speaker and the artist naviagting the agency
- double screen is very rich - ways of seeing
- GAN has deep philosophical connotations
- Hito Steyerl - new exhibition - Stedelijk
- Ed Atkins - clashing registers
- text speaking from - media bombardement
- Computer summarising meanings - reckoning
- Next steps: contingent on where your interests lie; continue deep learning see that in its context; assess the words, work with the words; GANs whats the meaning behind them; dealing with the content the transmission of the context; taking the lizard character futher; the double screen, anamorph; could be part of visual language; deanthropocentrising, deanthropomorphising.
07.02.2022 - Cihad
- machine learning longer
- build AvP into sound installation
- 'Production of Space', Bachilaard; mystical spaces Henri Lefbrever
- Poetics of Space, Bachelard
- quite didactic - testing different language methods - engagement
- human - non-human relationships - the text - VR experience - motion capture - in the form of a server - stuck in the screen, trapped in the server - placing them vertically
- Anex, artist duo, server cages - bonfire art piece
- content + form = how can the final form refelct the idea
22.02.2022 - Barend (Bubble Tours)
- What's your specific perspective? What will I get out of it as an audience? What would you want the audience to take away from it?
- Tell me something I don't know
- What's my specific position in this
- Can you make it your own? It's such a general subject
- What's it a symptom of? What's the broader systemic shift this sits in.
- Identify the underlying concerns - what's the bigger issue at play
22.02.2022 - Baremd (Lizard Larry)
- motion capture - speak to Chihad
- face + body done separately
- model a liazard (weeks/months) - motion capture and targeting the model - refining the animation -
- motion capture - real time rendering - Unreal/Unity
07.03.2022 - Ine (Bubble Tours)
- Is this important to you? What's your message?
- How much is it science fiction?
- It was in an industry in Amsterdam - selling hotel rooms that don't exist
- it would be spooky if he had a neighborhood
- bubble - surveillence
- Vladimir Nabokov - The Eye
- unfindable photo - 90s - strnge still lifes -
- metaphor - privacy
- men in white suits - Chernobyl / Belmar
- Can the removers be in service to the Bubble?
07.03.2022 - Simon (Bubble Tours)
- The bubble has to have consequences
- What happens when the bubble arrives?
- You've got the central image and character. How do people respond to it?
- Cause and effect
- Kafka literalizes metaphors
- Is it in/visible? Does it have a smell? Can people see it?
21.03.21 - Barend
- black of book reminds obituary
- cinema 4d light / blender - the donut - displacement maps
- sphere - 3D noise -
21.03.21 - David (TPDE)
- abject
- uncanny - self-disgust
- Blade Runner - imposters
- Murakami -
- Kyodhi Kurosawa 'Pulse' (2011)
- grim
11.05.22 - Steve Rushton
- Ant Fram - media burn - The Eternal Frame
- OLIVER LARIC Versions (2010)
- Liebach - Slovenian rock band art group - relates to Zizek's 'overidentification'
- develop a more embodied mode of address for Purge
23.05.22 - Simon P (G-Zi, V01)
- interesting level of detail
- surprised to learn it's a performance - not a VO
- speaking of mongrels - Jews/cosmopolitanism
- Trade import/export
- Are there many documents or photos of the family?
- The language sounds metaphorical but it is of course literal - incredible amount of drama in the real stories e.g. '...underground networks to sing in the house of worshio'
- encouraged to do a long research process and travel to Iran + to create objects building up to an exhibition
23.05.22 - Rosella (G-Zi, V01)
- pacing is different or inbalanced - could be more consistent or intentional
- seems to be propelled by action - what if there's more non-space e.g. like the saucepan boiling, there's a lot of overlapping information
- it's described as a performance - what if the video was a one shot lasting the duration of the cooking?
- is moving away from first person perspective necessary? It disrupts the immersion. Can it be a more extreme disruption?
- possibility that this is a prolonged period of artistic research and documentation leading to a work which is more 'mediated'or formally considered
25.05.22 - Steve Rushton
- meal as feeding propelling the
- curiosity about the black limes - acts of violence
- fishing programme - attempting to
- in the cook programme - slef confessional identity -
- idea of fulfilling the apetite -
- boil it down - stewy
- character is you but it's also emerging
- venn diagram - food - vlogging - etc
- Pages Magazine, gives a voice to the diaspora, based on a healthy cultural life that is discrete and cryptic + Nazeer ; Rib Gallery in the South of Rotterdam, father was a poet - make documentaries that the artist
- i'd like to know what you do with this
- visceral things + visceral text - quite tasty
- domestic - feels isolation - is it an isolate character -
- see how it's thickening up over time - do more of it
- text
- crypted jews - encrypted secret -
- George Perec - 'W A Childhood War' reading - Jewish lived in Paris during WW2, lived on the coast in plain sight, concelaing their religion - juxtaposed with a fairy tale olympian Utopia the Aryan race - part of alepo wrote 'Life A Users Manual' about moves on a chessboard - 'The Void' without the letter 'E' again exclusion
- Cryptic Jew - Wandering Jew - codeswitching - shapeshifting - relates to class in UK - disguising how elevated/
- Bodily movements
- Restraint/excess controlled
- embedded history
- considering your own position in relation to where yuour from - meal as a portal to the past to relate to family - to tell the story of hiding in plain sight - you should do a few more - get richer thicker - connections will start to appear - & the characterisation of yourself will grow stronger as well -
- you're a medium since you're relaying what you heard in another place - youre channeling something from the past - it's all embodied through the voice -
- connections - where am i and what's my place - amongst all these conflicting discourses - is it enough just to regurgitate existing text - is it a way to construct an identity - its an exploration of these things - i thin theres something about in/authenticity a very high form of art
- playing with identity - always more complex than where were from and the religion we were born into
- 'Argo' with Jon Goodman and Ban Affleck - lots of typecasting etc.
30.05.21 Cihad (G-Zi)
- Sebatayism - Sebaty Sevi - a 'donme' or messiah
- Amin Malouf ' In the Name of Idenity'/'Balthazars Odyssey: The One Hundred Names' about Sebaty Sevi
- relation of Amsterdam to diaspora - melting pot, Spinoza
- make a map you carry all this movement in your body - food/cooking as a carrier/vessel
- how to interview without showing faces
- how to convery or present research - does it all need to be said - or just the tip of the iceberg
30.05.21 Tim Leyendekker (G-Zi)
- share an experience - tactility - material
- main materials - food and textiles
- personal - single person perspective
- body cam obvs close to your body in contrast with surveillance - camera become more synonymous with surveillance
- contained generosity - sharing but witholding - questioning access to other cultures - reflects anthropological distance even when conducting autobiographical research
- Claudia Roden 'Jewish Diasapora' cook book
Listening workshop with Etienne Karlos 20-24 Sep 2022
- Deleuze unthought
- W - Rossilini neorealist cinema
- R - Chekhov - interstitial space, liminal space, etc.
- R - Notes on Cinematography, Bresson
- R - The Jesus Incident, Frank Hubert
- Short Stories, DH Lawrence + Willa Cather
- George Kuchar, Weather Diaries
Visual Abstracts 28.09.22
- R - Cannibal Manifestoe
- R - How Forests Think. Latin American anthropology
- W - Black Audio Film Collective on LUX - 'Twilight City', interview found footage scenes
- get in touch with Benjamin Cook (programmer) for institution access
- - big image archive
- R - A feminist counter-apocalypse
- doc Lisbon - no distinction between documentary and film
03.10.22 Laura (Third Rock)
- R - Ursula Le Guin, The Carrier Bag of Fiction. essay
- W - Sun Ra's Space is the Place
- w - Sohpia Bogadnovich, 'MS Slavic Siren'
- R - Directing Actors by Judith Weston
- perhaps find Iran in your locale
- trigger the archive within the film universe - what cause and effects can it create?
- importance of improvisation. give the film a more intuitive feel. Feed the fabric of the actor into the character
- science fiction as diasporic
- world making
- film is already like a microscope - so don't necessarily need to magnify it
- sci fi can be really interesting without stylising - finding the uncanny or otherworldly in everyday material
03.10.22 Project Propsal session
- finding the third idea between Purge (G-Zi) and Heterotopia (Third Rock)
- W - Killing of a Sacred Dear
- W - Journey to the Moon, Kutlag Ottoman
- W - Nathaniel Mellows, vide artist
- consider improvisation and shoulder cam in future - treat fiction like a documentary, documenting performance
- consider turning G-Zi into a live performance with storytelling
- G-Zi should be more thicky and syrupy, form reflecting the content
17.10.22 Project Mentor session (Visual Abstract V1)
- interesting to use the word 'host' - it relates to hospitality, hostility, hostess, ghost all from the wortd 'ghosti' the root word, which sounds like ghost and relates to sci fi
- artistic labour as feeding the public of the host culture
- remember the reverse funnel metaphor. Don't take loads of complex ideas and hope that a single pure artwork will plop out. You need to turn the funnel upside down. Execute one simple idea and see the possibilties that come out the other side.
- keep things simple - in vernacular terms - in concrete terms. Don't rely on all the academci nuances, that may push you into a corner.
- I - Henry Lefbre 'Production of Space'
- now it's a mish mash - this is interesting - you've got all the flavours - see what you need to keep and take away.