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Revision as of 14:36, 20 September 2022 by FLEM (talk | contribs) (→‎19.09.22)

.my notebook is the place where everything is // i like to annotate in there what get stuck into my brain for one reason or another (//not all the thoughts are my exclusive property)


I am starting a new page on my wiki to start the new year being sure everything i'm doing will be documented and not forgotten.. my brain is like a broken sponge sometimes

We had a first prototyping class today, started to organise our thoughts around what we think we could possibly focus on for the next 10 months, this is what I summed up [from]

KEYWORDS: text, translation, playfulness, the sociality of text, books, libraries, distributive practice, collectivity, text, share, tools, annotation methods, modularity, anti-standardisation, reading, writing.
What is kept/lost in the process of translation/of annotation/
Create a temporal community for temporal archives and temporal (learning-together) workshops for temporal research: 

The archive dil(emma): what happens to notebooks when they’re full? [see diaries archives]

       Create a temporal archive by collecting notes that are not being used anymore, to be seen

       Can this open a new life for forgotten notes?

       Collection of sample notebook prototypes + Hybrid/digital prototypes: online tools to create layouts, print instructions, but also to play with forgotten texts

I want to have more, to be able to play with my notebook, to know it better. I started to reason on how, as we’ve been creating our personal tools online, we could also create our personal analogue tools. Notebooks are individual and personal objects, but they’re treated like everyone has the same need from a piece of paper.

Someone said (Brendan Howell): our collective work is having new ideas to find better alternatives to th(e ma)instream ways that shut down every imagination chance, they offer the “best” way. Do it in a different way. + "Thus, throughout, I demonstrate how a certain thread of experimental poetry has always been engaged with questioning the media by which it is made and through which it is consumed” [Lori emerson - interfaces] —>  the medium is the message (mcluhan)