Help the calendar disappeared

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Revision as of 15:55, 12 September 2022 by Manetta (talk | contribs)
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Calendar disappeared? (see the guide at the bottom for what to do)...

The Calendar plugin that we use on the wikis has some bugs and we are looking for a good system to replace it. For the moment though it's possible to keep using it by following some guidelines. The most important tip is:

Keep the first line free from any "special" characters.

In particular the Calendar is very sensitive to the content in the first line (where you normally put a time and title). The first line in an event should only have plain characters (that you can type), no emoji's ... or even things like an ellipses as a single char ( … ) instead of (...) will make the calendar freak out.

For instance: this link shows the change I made to fix this bug recently:

(it's silly, I agree, but that's why it's a bug!)





  1. Go to the Recent Changes... (link in the left hand column of the wiki)
  2. Look for the most recent change to an Event in the month that's not displaying
  3. Edit the Event page: try retyping (evt piece by piece) the information in the first line (retyping a fresh first line is a good way to zap any characters that might have crept in that break the calendar)
  4. Save the page, in (another tab) reload the calendar to see if it's back. If not, repeat the steps!