31.01.2022 - David Haines
- Blake 7 bbc sci fi 80s
- many signals coming together
- not making the link of fossils
- interesting to think of other ways of seeing
- the directness of the language - so powerful, so many connotations - hard to disassociate from the orignal context - so strong dominant
- certain langauges are so loaded its a battle to displace it from the context
- awful lot of information - layered and complex
- artist Constant Dullart - giftshop, airport lounge, GAN imagery
- trying to interpret - two i's - the speaker and the artist naviagting the agency
- double screen is very rich - ways of seeing
- GAN has deep philosophical connotations
- Hito Steyerl - new exhibition - Stedelijk
- Ed Atkins - clashing registers
- text speaking from - media bombardement
- Computer summarising meanings - reckoning
- Next steps: contingent on where your interests lie; continue deep learning see that in its context; assess the words, work with the words; GANs whats the meaning behind them; dealing with the content the transmission of the context; taking the lizard character futher; the double screen, anamorph; could be part of visual language; deanthropocentrising, deanthropomorphising.
07.02.2022 - Cihad
- machine learning longer
- build AvP into sound installation
- 'Production of Space', Bachilaard; mystical spaces Henri Lefbrever
- Poetics of Space, Bachelard
- quite didactic - testing different language methods - engagement
- human - non-human relationships - the text - VR experience - motion capture - in the form of a server - stuck in the screen, trapped in the server - placing them vertically
- Anex, artist duo, server cages - bonfire art piece
- content + form = how can the final form refelct the idea
22.02.2022 - Barend (Bubble Tours)
- What's your specific perspective? What will I get out of it as an audience? What would you want the audience to take away from it?
- Tell me something I don't know
- What's my specific position in this
- Can you make it your own? It's such a general subject
- What's it a symptom of? What's the broader systemic shift this sits in.
- Identify the underlying concerns - what's the bigger issue at play
22.02.2022 - Baremd (Lizard Larry)
- motion capture - speak to Chihad
- face + body done separately
- model a liazard (weeks/months) - motion capture and targeting the model - refining the animation -
- motion capture - real time rendering - Unreal/Unity
07.03.2022 - Ine (Bubble Tours)