UserAndre Castro/maps01/xmlManipulate
Revision as of 19:04, 23 November 2011 by Andrecastro (talk | contribs)
Currently I am just doing a simple manipulation using a regular expression to remove the suffixes (such as straat, weg, plein, laan, etc) from preceding name. Then the data is rendered into an svg
- Ideas:
- Change the dimension of the areas - creating a distorted city
#! /usr/bin/python
import lxml.etree, urllib2, codecs, random, re
f = ("/home/andre/osm/data-original.osm")
#f = urllib2.urlopen(",51.91739525301985,4.46384345121436,51.920373035178464")
# parse the data
doc = lxml.etree.parse(f)
#look for tag k="name"
ways = doc.xpath("//tag[@k='name']")
size = len(ways)
streets = []
for t in ways:
straat = t.get('v')
straat_re = re.sub("(straat)|(weg)|(plein)|(laan)|(singel)|(steeg)|(boulevard)|(kanaal)|(hof)|(kade)|(dijk)|(haven)|(markt)|(dreef)|(pad)|(werf)|(erf)|(wal)|(burg)|(burgh)|(burcht)|(spoor)\b", "", straat)
#+tje #only straat... followed by space straat\b
#set new words into the the xml document
t.set('v', straat_re)
text = lxml.etree.tostring(doc, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
#print text
n =open("/home/andre/osm/data.osm", "w")